
Office Communicator 2007 + OneNote 2007

One of my favourite programs is Office Communicator which I use at work all of the time and I wanted to blog about how Communicator will allow you to quickly take notes in OneNote.  Say you get a phone call from someone and you need to write a note down (I do this quite often) you can just click a big button in OC and it will create a new meeting notes page in OneNote for you, see here:

I worked with Marc Boyer on the Communicator team to make this happen and you can read about it more here:  It’s History and this is what Marc has to say about it:

OneNote joins the party: Communicator and your phone have never been closer; in fact, for some, they are one and the same. Since no phone is ever far from a notepad, we integrated Communicator with Microsoft Office OneNote. If you have OneNote installed on your computer, you can launch it from any conversation; the conversation context will be automatically stamped into the note page, and the notes you take will be linked to the conversation. If you later restart this conversation, click the OneNote button to find your notes, which you can review or update. Similarly, if you open a previous conversation from the Conversation History folder in Outlook, click the OneNote button in the toolbar to open the notes for this conversation. 

I just wanted to point this out to those people who are using Communicator with OneNote.  Great stuff!
