
Fixed GuitarrMatey Links!

Hey out there, Internets!

A bunch of my GO links expired and that left you unable to access the GuitarrMatey videos. Worse, MSN Soapbox is now gone, and along with it, the streaming versions of my videos.

I have re-uploaded them and updated the links in the original article.

You can download all the videos individually in WMV format at https://snip.ms/dwxna.



  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2010
    Nope. The first four videos still don't work.   : (

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2010
    Thanks, I fixed them AGAIN. I changed web hosts and I guess the first four didn't make it when I transferred them the first time. You should be good to go :)

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2010
    Wow, that was fast! Thanks so much. I suppose here's as good a place to ask as any. I'm about to start your series of tutorials. What I've got: Visual Studio 2008 (2010 as well, but I won't be using it) XNA Game Studio 3.1 (same goes for 4.0) Softimage Mod Tool 7.5 (with the XNA add-on). XACT (and your source audio files) Will I be able to complete these tutorials or am I going to run into all manner of obstacles because everything's changed since you put them together? I ask because I'm very excited to dive into this. I've been learning as much as I can - including a lot of time spent tinkering with the FlatRedBall engine built on top of XNA. But the vast majority of freely available tutorials focus only on one small aspect at a time. I've found very few quality tutorials that cover development and implementation from beginning to end. Basically, I have lots of tools but very little understanding of how to apply them together - nor have I much clue about best practices with respect to XNA. Er...right. So I guess I'm asking: Dan, should I do your tutorial?

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 19, 2010
    Hi Dan, First: I finally got that darned cylinder to work. I honestly don't understand why it wasn't working. I ended up substituting the mesh with a surface and moved on with the rest of the hat. Of course, diagnosis caught the substitution and wouldn't let me proceed. However, at that time I had no trouble getting a cylinder primitive to work. We-ird. My next problem is that video five (Texturing for XNA) seems to cut out at about 00:02:39 when it should be over ten minutes long. Upload again, please (and maybe double-check the other videos while you're at it). Much appreciated!! D. (I hope somebody is still reading this.)

  • Anonymous
    October 20, 2010
    Hi Dan, Sorry to be a nuisance, but... It appears as though a number of the videos are only partially available. Specifically, the following videos end prematurely: 05 Texturing for XNA 06 Bridge (to create model for part 6) 06 Rigging, Weighting, and Animating 07 Writing the Game The actual file sizes are much smaller than what you'd listed in the original article. Videos 1 through 4 worked fine. Although I haven't yet watched videos 8 through 12, I imagine they're fine, too, as they have the right file sizes. Could you please, please, please upload all of these videos again? I'm really enjoying this tutorial series and find what I'm learning to be some really great stuff. It's just incredibly frustrating to see only half of each step. Let me know when you've uploaded the videos again. I can't wait to continue this project.

  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2010
    I'm having the same problem with the videos as well.