
TechReady 1 - 2005: Day 1...Update #1

So it’s day one of TechReady, and I started the day with an infomercial on the “Little Giant” (Al from Home Improvement was the celebrity on the ad, personally I would have preferred Chuck Norris) a ladder like no other. My roommate, Mario D’Silva of Microsoft Australia commented on how he didn’t know how he had existed so long without the “Little Giant”, I couldn’t help but agree.

Mario and I then caught up with Chris V and Steve W for another gigantic coffee (Seattle, much like most of the United States, serves coffee in three sizes, 1. Big, 2. Real Big, 3. Where’s the toilet!), and then Clarry and I grabbed a quick bite before the keynote.

This year, Bill Gates is the keynote speaker, and it’s hard for me to contain my excitement. I’ve never attended an event of the magnitude of TechReady (this year will be the first time I’ve ever been to Tech.Ed let alone!), so the audio/visual experience is overwhelming, not to mention the anticipation of exploring our latest and greatest technologies.

So what’s on for me today? Well, Clarry and I have a full day of sessions:

8:30am – Keynote with Bill
10:30am – Developer Platform Evangelism Keynote
1:45pm – Report Builder: Semantic Model Creation
3:30pm – Demo Extravaganza
5:15pm – Office 12 – Windows SharePoint Services Drilldown

I will do a session by session post during the day, and promise to reveal as much information as I am allowed to (much of the content is under NDA, but some isn’t, and trust me, I WILL post that stuff!).

So now Clarry and I are waiting for Bill to come on stage for the keynote, so until next post, ta ta…