Rhubarb and the strawberry debate
Sorry if this seems a bit random... but, hey, tomorrow's Friday :)
Funny things are known to pop up in meetings. Today's was rhubarb pie and whether or not strawberries belonged anywhere near. I'm a "don't even think about getting strawberries anywhere near my rhubarb pie" person.
How about you folks? Are you rhubarb or strawberry-rhubarb?
-- DK
- Anonymous
August 20, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 20, 2004
DK -
I like strawberry-rhubarb. My wife makes a strawberry-rhubarb pie that is out of this world. She says the trick is the rhubarb needs to be fresh though, otherwise the texture is terrible things get too mushy. - Anonymous
August 20, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2004
Steve Hall:
I would guess the expense comes from the producers of said pies trying to avoid a lawsuit from poisoning someone by accident: http://www.rhubarbinfo.com/rhubarb-poison.html
as for me... i agree with Steve entirely on why i hate rhubarb... though i'm from Kansas, and my Minnesotan grandparents are the ones that grew it and ruined me on it. - Anonymous
August 25, 2004
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