
First impressions of Visual Studio 2008

Now that there is a new release of Visual Studio I wanted to take a closer look at it to see which are the improvements and new features.

I really wanted to get to the new stuff about Linq and the .Net framework 3.5. But I got lost fiddling with the new UI, specially the new refactor functionality.

I really liked the "Organize Usings", which takes a file and removes all the unnecessary using clauses and order the rest of them. That is prety useful since some times you can see files that their using region is larger than the code inside, and most of them are just left overs of old code or some temporary test. It is really annoying to see so many usings since many times you end up analyzing the code or removing the using and compiling the project to check if it really being used. So, the fact is that you get distracted.

The only "but" to this utility is that it only does the job on a single file, instead of all the project or solution. So I decided to create an Ad-in so I could also test the extensibility of Visual Studio. I was really impressed that in less than two hours I had a working Add-in that removed and sorted all the using of the .cs files. You can find an attached RemoveAndSortAllusings.zip file with the code. Of course it is a really rough add-in and lots of things are missing, like using a custom Icon, or dealing with files in source control, but at least is a start.

 using System;
using Extensibility;
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace RemoveAndSortAllusings
    /// <summary>The object for implementing an Add-in.</summary>
    /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
    public class Connect : IDTExtensibility2, IDTCommandTarget
        /// <summary>Implements the constructor for the Add-in object. Place your initialization code within this method.</summary>
        public Connect()

        /// <summary>Implements the OnConnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the Add-in is being loaded.</summary>
        /// <param term='application'>Root object of the host application.</param>
        /// <param term='connectMode'>Describes how the Add-in is being loaded.</param>
        /// <param term='addInInst'>Object representing this Add-in.</param>
        /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
        public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
            _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
            _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
            if(connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_UISetup)
                object []contextGUIDS = new object[] { };
                Commands2 commands = (Commands2)_applicationObject.Commands;
                string toolsMenuName;

                    //If you would like to move the command to a different menu, change the word "Tools" to the 
                    //  English version of the menu. This code will take the culture, append on the name of the menu
                    //  then add the command to that menu. You can find a list of all the top-level menus in the file
                    //  CommandBar.resx.
                    string resourceName;
                    ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("MyAddin2.CommandBar", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
                    CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(_applicationObject.LocaleID);
                    if(cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "zh")
                        System.Globalization.CultureInfo parentCultureInfo = cultureInfo.Parent;
                        resourceName = String.Concat(parentCultureInfo.Name, "Tools");
                        resourceName = String.Concat(cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, "Tools");
                    toolsMenuName = resourceManager.GetString(resourceName);
                    //We tried to find a localized version of the word Tools, but one was not found.
                    //  Default to the en-US word, which may work for the current culture.
                    toolsMenuName = "Tools";

                //Place the command on the tools menu.
                //Find the MenuBar command bar, which is the top-level command bar holding all the main menu items:
                Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBar menuBarCommandBar = ((Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBars)_applicationObject.CommandBars)["MenuBar"];

                //Find the Tools command bar on the MenuBar command bar:
                CommandBarControl toolsControl = menuBarCommandBar.Controls[toolsMenuName];
                CommandBarPopup toolsPopup = (CommandBarPopup)toolsControl;

                //This try/catch block can be duplicated if you wish to add multiple commands to be handled by your Add-in,
                //  just make sure you also update the QueryStatus/Exec method to include the new command names.
                    //Add a command to the Commands collection:
                    Command command = commands.AddNamedCommand2(_addInInstance, "RemoveAndSortAllUsings", "Remove and Sort ALL usings", "Executes the command to remove and sort all usings in cs files.", true, 213, ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled, (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);

                    //Add a control for the command to the tools menu:
                    if((command != null) && (toolsPopup != null))
                        command.AddControl(toolsPopup.CommandBar, 1);
                    //If we are here, then the exception is probably because a command with that name
                    //  already exists. If so there is no need to recreate the command and we can 
                    //  safely ignore the exception.

        /// <summary>Implements the OnDisconnection method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the Add-in is being unloaded.</summary>
        /// <param term='disconnectMode'>Describes how the Add-in is being unloaded.</param>
        /// <param term='custom'>Array of parameters that are host application specific.</param>
        /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
        public void OnDisconnection(ext_DisconnectMode disconnectMode, ref Array custom)

        /// <summary>Implements the OnAddInsUpdate method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification when the collection of Add-ins has changed.</summary>
        /// <param term='custom'>Array of parameters that are host application specific.</param>
        /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />        
        public void OnAddInsUpdate(ref Array custom)

        /// <summary>Implements the OnStartupComplete method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the host application has completed loading.</summary>
        /// <param term='custom'>Array of parameters that are host application specific.</param>
        /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
        public void OnStartupComplete(ref Array custom)

        /// <summary>Implements the OnBeginShutdown method of the IDTExtensibility2 interface. Receives notification that the host application is being unloaded.</summary>
        /// <param term='custom'>Array of parameters that are host application specific.</param>
        /// <seealso class='IDTExtensibility2' />
        public void OnBeginShutdown(ref Array custom)
        /// <summary>Implements the QueryStatus method of the IDTCommandTarget interface. This is called when the command's availability is updated</summary>
        /// <param term='commandName'>The name of the command to determine state for.</param>
        /// <param term='neededText'>Text that is needed for the command.</param>
        /// <param term='status'>The state of the command in the user interface.</param>
        /// <param term='commandText'>Text requested by the neededText parameter.</param>
        /// <seealso class='Exec' />
        public void QueryStatus(string commandName, vsCommandStatusTextWanted neededText, ref vsCommandStatus status, ref object commandText)
            if(neededText == vsCommandStatusTextWanted.vsCommandStatusTextWantedNone)
                if (commandName == "RemoveAndSortAllusings.Connect.RemoveAndSortAllUsings")
                    status = (vsCommandStatus)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported|vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled;

        /// <summary>Implements the Exec method of the IDTCommandTarget interface. This is called when the command is invoked.</summary>
        /// <param term='commandName'>The name of the command to execute.</param>
        /// <param term='executeOption'>Describes how the command should be run.</param>
        /// <param term='varIn'>Parameters passed from the caller to the command handler.</param>
        /// <param term='varOut'>Parameters passed from the command handler to the caller.</param>
        /// <param term='handled'>Informs the caller if the command was handled or not.</param>
        /// <seealso class='Exec' />
        public void Exec(string commandName, vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut, ref bool handled)
            handled = false;
            if(executeOption == vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault)
                if (commandName == "RemoveAndSortAllusings.Connect.RemoveAndSortAllUsings")
                    handled = true;

                    if (!_applicationObject.Solution.IsOpen)
                        MessageBox.Show("There is no solution to eliminate usings.");
                        foreach (Project p in _applicationObject.Solution.Projects)


        private void SearchInProject(Project project)

        private void SearchInProjectItem(ProjectItems projectItems)
            if (projectItems == null)

            foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in projectItems)
                //Eliminate the unnecessary using in cs files.
                    bool wasOpened = false;
                    if (projectItem.get_IsOpen(Constants.vsViewKindCode))
                        wasOpened = true;

                    Window w = projectItem.Open(Constants.vsViewKindCode);
                    _applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("Edit.RemoveAndSort", "");

                    if (!wasOpened)
                if (projectItem.SubProject != null)

        private DTE2 _applicationObject;
        private AddIn _addInInstance;



  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    Now that there is a new release of Visual Studio I wanted to take a closer look at it to see which are