
Vista and 2007 Office System Readiness

Like JB, I really enjoyed the conference yesterday.  Lots of people are really interested in the 2007 Office System (aka Office 2007) - and rightly so - in addition to all the great new features (and for the cynical - yes there are lots), in this version of Office, you can do pretty much everything that you want to do inside office in managed code.  The debugging experience is very nice too. 

I've got to say though, even thought I enjoyed it, the day was totally draining.  We had a late night the night before rehersing the keynote between 10pm and 1am, then back on deck again at 6:30ish.  I came away feeling pretty drained, and took today off to recover (which was great!)

If you are coming to Christchurch or Auckland, please come and tap me on the shoulder and say Hi - I'm looking forward to meeting you there!  Dont forget dates and registration details are at www.microsoft.co.nz/events!