
Steps to Create an Unattended Setup for Windows Vista

The following article shows how to create an automated setup per windows Vista using Windows Vista Automated Installation Kit (WAIK).


  • Vista DVD: a DVD with Windows Vista.
  • WAIK: Windows Vista Automated Installation Kit (get the download here).
  • A USB Key: this is needed to contain the answers file for the installation (a key with very little space is ok).
  • Technician PC: a pc with a DVD ROM Drive (RW capable) with Windows AIK installed on it.

Steps to create the answer file

  • Copy Install.Wim (2GB) from vista DVD to the technician PC.

  • Start "Microsoft Windows AIK -
    Windows System Image Manager".

  • Select the Install.Wim file from the "File - Select Windows Image" menu.

    NB. The command will let you choose a Vista version (es. Ultimate) and create a catalog file.

  • Create a new answer file with "File - New Answer File" menu.

  • From the "Windows Image" pane add the following settings to the Answer File:

    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration\Disk\CreatePartitions\CreatePartition (1 windowsPE component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration\Disk\ModifyPartitions\ModifyPartition (1 windowsPE component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\ImageInstall\OSImage\InstallTo (1 windowsPE component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\UserData (1 windowsPE component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\OOBE (7 oobeSystem component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\AutoLogon     (7 oobeSystem component).
    • Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE (1 windowsPE component).
  • Into the the "Answers File" pane set the following settings:

    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup (1 windowsPE component).
      • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration    WillShowUI = OnError
      • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration\Disk    DiskID = 0
      • WillWipeDisk = true
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration\Disk\CreatePartitions\CreatePartition
      • Order = 1
      • Extend = true (this formats the entire disk)
      • Type = Primary
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\DiskConfiguration\Disk\ModifyPartitions\ModifyPartition
      • Active = true
      • Format = NTFS
      • Label = OS_Install
      • Letter = C
      • Order = 1
      • PartitionID = 1
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\ImageInstall\OSImage\    WillShowUI = OnError
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\ImageInstall\OSImage\InstallTo    DiskID = 0
      • PartitionID = 1
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\UserData    AcceptEula = true
    • Microsoft-Windows-Setup\UserData\ProductKey    Key = <product key>
      • WillShowUI = OnError
    • Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\OOBE    HideEULAPage = true
      • ProtectYourPC = 3
      • SkipMachineOOBE = true
      • SkipUserOOBE = true
    • Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE    InputLocale = <Input Locale> (es 'it-IT')
      • SystemLocale = <System Locale> (es 'it-IT')
      • UILanguage = <UI Language> (es 'en-US')
      • UserLocale = <User Locale> (es 'it-IT')
    • Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE\SetupUILanguage    UILanguage = <UI Language>
    • Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\AutoLogon    Enabled = true
      • LogonCount = 5
      • Username = Administrator
    • Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup\AutoLogon\Password    <strongpassword>
  • Save the Answer File into the USB Key.

You are now ready to run your Windows Vista unattended installation with the following command:

setup /unattend: answerfilename

Note that Windows Vista setup program automatically looks for answer files named "AutoUnattend.xml" in several different locations including a previously cached answer file and an answer file at the root of a drive.


  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2007
    great... thanks it worked for me ;)
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2007
    this OWNS! i could spend my entire life learning this stuff. thanks for this
  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2009
    Great Instructions, tailored it to WDS works a treat.Alot clearer than how Microsoft describe the processCheers
  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2009
    thx for the example it helped me building an unattended copy of windows 7 for my boss