
Antigen Manual Download

If you want to install Antigen on an Exchange server that doesn't have access to the internet to install updates there is a work around, see the steps below:-


Create the UNC Update Folder structure.

·         Create a directory that is named "Forefront."

·          In the Forefront directory, create a directory that is named "Engines."

·         In the Engine directory, create a directory that is named "x86."

·         In the x86 directory, create a folder for the engine on which you are working.
For example, create a folder that is named "Norman."

·         In the %EngineName% directory, create a folder that is named "Package."
An example of the UNC Update Folder path is as follows:


Download the latest scan engine files.

·         Save the Manifest.cab file to the Package folder for the engine that you are
updating. An example of the path of this file in the directory is as follows:

To obtain the Manifest.cab file, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

·         Extract the Manifest.xml file from the Manifest.cab file, and then open the
Manifest.xml file by using a text editor, such as Notepad.

Search for the "version=" string in the Manifest.xml file. After one of the
instances of "version=," a 10-digit number is displayed.

For example, locate the entry that resembles the following entry:
In this entry, the 10-digit number represents the update version number of the
latest update at the time this was written. It is different now and just needs to
be update based on the instructions just stated. The update version is the year,
month, day with the last 4 digits for the particular update version for that day.
For this article, this update version number is represented by the update_version

·         Save the Norman_fullpkg.cab file to a directory that has the same version name
within the Package folder. An example of the path of this file in the directory is
as follows:


Important In this URL, replace update_version with the update version number that
you located.
For example, use a URL that resembles the following sample URL:

·         Copy the Manifest.cab file in the Package folder, and then paste the file into
the "%Version%" folder. An example of the final structure of the file is as


Update the engine.

·         Open the Antigen Administrator.

·         Under SETTINGS, click Scanner Updates.

·         Select the engine on which you are working. For example, select Microsoft.

·         Change Network Update Path to the parent directory of the x86 folder. For
example, change this item to "C:\ Forefront \Engines

·         Click Save.

·         Click Update Now.


Written by Daniel Kenyon-Smith