
The distractions of an IT Pro

We are doing some work trying to understand the life of an IT pro both inside and outside of work. It would be great to hear from you on what you get up to on your lunch break, after work or at the weekend.

What websites do you go on? What magazines do you read? And one that I am really keen to know, what do you think about the IT Crowd programme on Channel 4?


  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2007
    We have no life outside of Technology and if by some minor miracle we've managed to get a partner, our better halves are frustrated that we show more attention to our laptops than to them. Of course we can work on them and listen to what we're being told at the same time :-) My main distraction is Facebook which taken over reading my RSS Feeds (mainly blogs). As for the IT Crowd, funny and so true just like Dilbert! So, do you have a "pointy headed" boss!!

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2007
    If you missed the IT Crowd catch up from here. http://www.channel4.com/4od/index.html I watched some of the first series found it to close to work. I guess like working in an office and watching "the office".

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Hey Georgina, My distractions usually involve keeping up with RSS feeds, Digg, watching tv shows (usually obtained from the States 6 months before they're on here), playing the 360 and occasionally flicking through T3 and Edge (although gadget and game news is usually way out of date by the time it's in a mag - Engadget and others see to that!). Realised recently that I spend WAY too much time staring at screens, so I'm trying to give my eyes a break, get outside more, read more books and listen to music/podcasts/audio books, and throw myself more into my basketball. Never seen the IT Crowd. Jonathan

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    I have to say this series is much better than the last series, though Friday night is for going out and not watching TV :-) Nice to see on TV attrcative women in IT too. Ian

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    I have to say this series is much better than the last series, though Friday night is for going out and not watching TV :-) Nice to see on TV attractive women in IT too. Ian

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Have only ever seen the IT Crown once and turned off after about 5 minutes - bambino wanted to watch Fireman Sam! As for distractions: well lunch time is spent in the gym keeping my body as fit as my mind and outside of the wonderfull world of IT I referee the fotball on my local parks whenever the wife lets me - which to be fair is every weekend!   Other than that it's CodeProject for my main read once a week in the world of programming, magazines - the lovely PC Pro for a giggle.  Web sites - lots of forum sites, asp.net, msexchange.org, MSDN, technet - way to many to list really.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    IT Crowd love it, using 4od to watch them as the girlfriend as run of the TV 80% of the time. Lunch times are usally reading what ever magazines have been left in the canteen by the female population of work, things like Hello, OK, Womens Own etc.  Other times it's a quick 15mins to eat my lunch and back to the latest beta or test lab i'm working on. Distractions for me include feeding and changing nappies of my 11 week old baby girl :) blowing things up on games like Half Life series, Command and Conquer on PC and when i get access to my TV BioShock, Rainbow Six, Halo 3 (when out) on the 360.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    The IT Crowd is absolutely brilliant. Even if you can't stand this sort of thing, it's well worth watching for Roy's occasional novelty T-shirts! There's not been too many IT related jokes in it so far ... (I amy be a bit sad stating this!!!) but great comedy anyway. When I'm not distracted at work asking users to "try turning it off and on again" (I kid you not), I'm pleasurably distracted at home looking after my young 4-year old daughter.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Lunch breaks mainly consist of World Of Warcraft :) Being a games tester it's hard to get away from them, even at home, but then again I guess don't really want to. So I find nice ways to chill down a little that involve more WoW, a movie, lots of music, RSS feeds and some writing. But generally the 'winding down' usually always still consists of something computer related :) I do watch the IT Crowd when I can, unfortunately thats not too often though. JT

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Lunch break - what's that? After work or at the weekend - I help look after my 3 month old son, update my Facebook, watch telly and maintain my pet-project website. Magazines - just motorcycle mags Websites - The Register and eBuyer IT Crowd - Didn't find the first series funny. It's like it was written by someone who has friends in IT, but never worked in IT themselves. I'll Sky+ some of the 2nd series and check it out...

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    Dont have the joys of a lunch break like some others , IT crowd the one's i have seen have been funny , and any spare time i get tends to be spent out on my motorbike blowing the cobwebs away

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    What do i think of the IT crowd? in a word genius! The hacked vibrating phone at the funeral: LOL Did anyone else notice that the company in the show uses XP/server 03, but the "IT guys" downstairs have got themselves copies of Vista! typical lol

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2007
    Lunchtime is Munchkins-time - a bit of competetive gaming between IT, HR, Marketing and client support makes for a nice break. The new series of the IT Crowd is excellent as always. The last episode is especially good - I watched it filming but no spoilers from me...

  • Anonymous
    September 13, 2007
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  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2007
    Very strict about not doing anything techie away from work, so I sail, horse ride, travel and produce for a theatre group.  never play PC games.  I have spent hours upon sweaty hours restoring Exchange systems from various states of down and out!  True delight is the European CEO who arrives in the server room on their first ever visit to enquire "how long".  Love the IT crowd - uncomfortably close to home at times.  No one else in my house appreciates it in the same way.  But then a lawyer, employment consultant and civil service manager wouldnt'!  It just confirms their worst suspicions about my colleagues!

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2007
    Hi I do watch the IT Crowd and enjoy it very much.  Moss is excellent. I tend to cycle a few miles to Canterbury, get a coffee and read a book at lunchtimes.  That way I dont have to join a gym to keep the weight down! I also cycle at weekends and go to church on Sunday with my family and friends. As for keeping up to date, it goes in fits and starts - I read PCPro magazine and also do MCPs from time to time.

  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2007
    Watched the first few episodes but my wife banned me from ever watching it again, she just didnt get it!! Try and keep away from IT at weekends as every waking moment during the week is spent looking after peoples networks, yes even dinner times, the joys of being a field engineer!!

  • Anonymous
    October 18, 2007
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