
Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell

Most of the articles found on this site assume that you are working on a computer running a Microsoft Lync Server 2010 service or server role, and that the Lync Server Management Shell has been installed on that computer. We did that for two reasons: 1) That’s the easiest way to do things; and, 2) It lets us put the focus on the task at hand (e.g., creating a new voice policy) rather than the preliminary commands required to manage Lync Server from a computer where the Management Shell has not been installed.

But while that might make our lives easier, it doesn’t necessarily make your lives easier. After all, you might want to do at least some of your management tasks remotely; for example, you might want to configure your Address Book servers or enable a few user accounts while sitting at your desk rather than at a Lync Server front end machine. Fortunately, that’s very possible to do; unfortunately, it’s not immediately obvious how you would go about doing that.

But that’s OK; that’s why we decided to put together this Quick Start guide to remote management of Microsoft Lync Server 2010.

Step 1: Make Sure You’re Running Windows PowerShell 2.0

What happens if you’re not running Windows PowerShell 2.0? Nothing – literally. You must have Windows PowerShell 2.0 or you will never, ever be able to use PowerShell to manage Lync Server. If you aren’t sure what version of PowerShell you’re running then start up Windows PowerShell and type this at the PowerShell prompt:


In turn you should get back something similar to this:

Name : ConsoleHost

Version : 2.0

InstanceId : b4c50031-fcae-4d6e-ab0b-200b6beecf9f

UI : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface

CurrentCulture : en-US

CurrentUICulture : en-US

PrivateData : Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy

IsRunspacePushed : False

Runspace : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace

If the Version property isn’t equal to 2.0 then you’re not running PowerShell 2.0.

But hey, don’t cry; after all, you can always download and install the latest and greatest version of Windows PowerShell from here: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/968929.

As soon as you’re confident that you’re running PowerShell 2.0 you can move on to Step 2.

And no, no rush; take your time. We’ll wait.

Step 2: Create a Windows PowerShell Credentials Object

OK, admittedly, this step might be optional: it depends on the user account you used when you logged on to Windows in the first place. For this Quick Start guide, however, we’re going to assume that the account you used to log on to Windows isn’t the same account you use to manage Lync Server. (That’s a security best practice, and we know that everyone always follows our security best practices.) Regardless, we need to create a credentials object (a very secure credentials object, we might add) that contains our user name and password. To do that, first type the following at the command prompt, substituting your domain name for litwareinc and your logon name for kenmyer (make sure you’re using the domain name and logon name for your Lync Server administrator account):

$credential = Get-Credential "litwareinc\kenmyer"

That should bring up a credentials dialog box that looks a little something like this:

Type your password in the Password box and then press ENTER. When you do so, the dialog box will disappear and you should see something like this:

UserName Password

-------- --------

litwareinc\kenmyer System.Security.SecureString

If you do, then you’ve successfully created the credentials object. But save your self-congratulations for later; it’s time for Step 3. If you don’t see something like this type $credential at the PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER. If you still don’t see something like this then you’ll need to go back and try Step 2 from the beginning.

Step 3: Creating a Remote PowerShell Session

Now the fun part begins: it’s time to make a connection to one of your front end Lync Server machines (in this case, atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com). How do you do that? Why, by running the following PowerShell command, of course:

$session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri "https://atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com/OcsPowershell" -Credential $credential

When you run this command, it might not look like anything happened. To verify that something did happen (and that you were able to make a connection to atl-cs-001) type $session at the Windows PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER. If all went well you should see something similar to this:

Id Name ComputerName State ConfigurationName Availability

-- ---- ------------ ----- ------------------ ------------

 1 Session 1 atl-cs-00... Opened Microsoft.PowerShell Available

OK, so now are we ready to start managing Lync Server remotely? Well, almost. First, however, we have to import our new PowerShell session; that’s because we still don’t have access to all the Communications Server cmdlets. To verify that, typethe following at the Windows PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER:


You should get back an error message stating that:

The term ‘Get-CsVoicePolicy’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

So should you check the spelling and try again? No. Instead, move on to Step 4.

Step 4: Importing the Remote PowerShell Session

When you import a PowerShell session you will finally have access to all the Lync Server cmdlets. (Well, maybe not all of them; we’ll explain that in a moment.) To import your new session, just type the following at the Windows PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER:

Import-PsSession $session

There will likely be a momentary pause while PowerShell retrieves all the relevant cmdlets, functions, scripts, and other Communications Server-paraphernalia, and then, at long last, you should see something like this onscreen:

ModuleType Name ExportedCommands

Script tmp_77b73956-53ca-4e7a... {New-CsNetworkInterSitePol...}

And now if you type Get-CsVoicePolicy you should get back, well, you should get back information about all your voice policies.

Well, assuming you have permission to run Get-CsVoicePolicy in the first place. It’s important to keep in mind that Lync Server enforces RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) on all remote management sessions. What does that mean? Well, in Lync Server, the administrative tasks you are allowed to carry out are based on the RBAC roles that have been assigned to you; in turn, each RBAC role is assigned a number of Lync Server cmdlets. For example, suppose you’ve been assigned a hypothetical RBAC role that gives you access to only four cmdlets:

· Disable-CsUser

· Enable-CsUser

· Get-CsUser

· Set-CsUser

What do you suppose is going to happen if you try to run the command Get-CsVoicePolicy? You got it: you’re going to get back this same error message:

The term 'Get-CsVoicePolicy' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

Why that error message? Here’s why: When you import your PowerShell session RBAC ensures that the only Lync Server cmdlets that get imported are the ones that have been assigned to your RBAC role. If you want to see all the Lync Server cmdlets you have access to during your remote session, type this command at the PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER:

Get-Command *-Cs* -CommandType Function

Note. Yes, that command does return functions rather than cmdlets. But that’s because PowerShell imports cmdlets as functions rather than as cmdlets.

If your RBAC role limits you to four cmdlets then Get-Command is only going to return the following items:





As you can see, the Get-CsVoicePolicy cmdlet was never imported. That’s why PowerShell says it has no idea what you’re talking about when you try to run Get-CsVoicePolicy.

Note: To learn more about RBAC in Lync Server, read A Brief Introduction to Role-Based Access Control – Part 1 .

Incidentally, even if you’re the Grand Pooh-Bah of Lync Server you won’t have access to all the Lync Server cmdlets when working remotely. That’s because a handful of cmdlets -- such as Test-CsComputer – can only be run locally; they will not work in a remote session. Fortunately, Lync Server is smart enough not to hand over those cmdlets when you import the PowerShell session. You might not have all the cmdlets available to you in a remote session, but you can rest assured that all the cmdlets that are available to you will work as expected.

Note. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you won’t occasionally run into things that don’t work as expected. For example type this at the Windows PowerShell prompt and then press TAB:


PowerShell should respond by invoking tab expansion and changing your command to this:


OK, now type this at the PowerShell prompt and then press TAB:

Get-Help Get-CsV

You might expect that PowerShell would invoke tab expansion and change your command to this:

Get-Help Get-CsVoiceConfiguration

For better or worse, however, it won’t expand Get-CsV, at least not in this case. Why not? Well, when you invoke TAB expansion when using Get-Help PowerShell looks for a cmdlet that starts with Get-CsV. However, we don’t have any cmdlets that start with Get-CsV; remember, all our Lync Server cmdlets were imported as functions. As a result, tab expansion won’t work with Get-Help. If you want more information about Get-CsVoiceConfiguration you’ll just have to type in the entire command:

Get-Help Get-CsVoiceConfiguration

Step 5: Ending Your Remote Windows PowerShell Session

What? All that work and now you want to quit? OK, fine; all good things must come to an end, right? If you want to end your remote management session just type the following at the Windows PowerShell prompt and then press ENTER:

Remove-PsSession $session

That’s all you have to do.

Step 6: What Comes Next?

As you might expect, there are plenty of nuances we haven’t covered yet; we’ll have to get to those at a later date. In the meantime, though, this should get you started. Which, needless to say, is about all you can ask from a Quick Start guide.


  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2010
    A great article. The thing I love about PowerShell, besides it's power, is that there is no ONE way to do most things! Some thoughts:
  1. Step 1 - what? You aren't running V2 - shame on you!  <grin>
  2. A Credential object is only needed if your current Userid is not valid on the remote system. IMHO, if you do RBAC right, then your personal user account is a member of a security group that has the appropriate delegated permissions to not need to create a credential. That makes it simpler than forcing the admin to always create a PSCredentials object. Speaking personally, I just want single sign on to work EVERYWHERE! Any way off my hobby horse.
  3. Step 4 is correct in theory, but...  If you carry out the steps noted, you will get a shed load of error messages since Import-PSSession tries to import the while remote session (which would clash with your local cmdlets byu default!) .  Also none of the modules that run on the target system get loaded by default so you can't import them. Maybe CS2010 works differently, to other remoted products - I don't have the code to test it. :-) There are a couple of things you can do to simplify the approach however. First, apply a profile file to the default PSSession that loads the OCS module (details left as an exercise to the reader). Also, when importing the remote session, I'd use the -MODULE <string[]> parameter on the Import-PSSession command..
  4. The approach presented here is called implicit remoting - and very powerful it is too - all the more since the session can be created in your profile file(s) so the cmdlets turned in to functions are auto available. Personally, I prefer to NOT import the PSSession but to use Enter-PSSession. I enter the session, run the cmdlets on the remote system then exit. I can come back into the remote session and carry on where I left off (all modules are loaded, any diagnostic objects I created earlier persist, etc. Just another way to skin a rabbit... Thanks for the great content so far - this blog rocks!! Thomas