
One of These Things is Not Like the Others: Challenge 9

One of These Things is Not Like the Others: Challenge 9

Did you see where the Lync Server One of These Things is Not Like the Others Challenge has surpassed both crosswords puzzles and Sudoku as the world's leading recreational activity? Well, to be perfectly honest, we haven't actually seen anything like that, either; we were just hoping someone else had. Still, we figure that it's just a matter of time before the Lync Server PowerShell Challenge takes it rightful place atop the world's list of most popular activities.

Note. Yes, even more popular than stretching, which, according to one survey, is the third-most popular sports/recreational activity in the U.S. Stretching ranked third and, while we couldn't be bothered to read the entire list of 25 items (that's a lot of items!) we assume that yawning ranked 14th and scratching yourself while watching TV was 21st. After all, nobody does sports and recreation quite like we Americans.

At any rate and, like we said, it's just a matter of time before the Lync Server PowerShell Challenge becomes more popular than crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and even stretching. And the best part is that, when it does, you'll be able to tell people, "The Lync Server One of These Things is Not Like the Others Challenge? Ah, heck, I was doing the Challenge back when it first began, way back in 2011." And as they cluster around your feet, eager to hear your stories, someone will no doubt ask you, "Which was your favorite Challenge?" To which you will reply, "No question about it: Challenge No. 9 wasn't just my favorite, Challenge No. 9 was everybody's favorite!"

Which can mean only one thing: we better stop stretching and get around to actually presenting you with Challenge No. 9.

With that in mind, and with no further ado, which of these Lync Server Windows PowerShell cmdlets is not like the others?





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