
Not Like the Others: Challenge 8 Hint

Well, this should be good. Jean's not here today, and she's the one who always publishes articles in the Lync Server PowerShell blog. Why does Jeanhave to do all the publishing work? Well, the last time Greg tried to do something, he went in to fix what looked like a minor formatting problem. When the problem wouldn't fix, he decided to jusy exit the editor and not worry about it. The moment he clicked Cancel, the entire blog disappeared from the Internet.

Which simply means that, if you don't see the hint to Challenge 8, well, now you know why.

Keep your fingers crossed: here's the hint to Challenge 8: Let's see, there's Listerine ... and Oral-B ... and, oh, what's the one in the green bottle ....

Good luck (to all of us!).

Challenge 8

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