
Sitecore Commerce at Symposium Las Vegas 2014

We wanted to highlight some of the great content that is commerce-related at Sitecore Symposium Las Vegas next week:

PROT2A Content + Digital Marketing + Commerce = The Total Brand Buying Experience

o When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 11:30 AM-12:30 PM in Juniper 4 (also repeats as PROT2E on September 10th at 8:00 AM in Juniper 4)

o What: Customers expect more from online shopping than just transactional shopping-cart capabilities. To drive customer experience as a differentiator and break through the noise, brands must seamlessly connect the entire experience—from marketing, to sale, to customer retention—across the lifecycle. Learn how a powerful end-to-end solution that blends content with real-time digital marketing and powerful enterprise commerce drives conversions and revenue.

Who’s It For: Anyone seeking to understand Sitecore’s vision for commerce.

PRO2TC Commerce Strategy and Roadmap

o When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 3:00-4:00 PM in Juniper 4

o What: With multiple offerings available, Sitecore® Experience Platform™ is now a full-fledged B2x commerce platform. This session explains Sitecore's overall commerce strategy; our various commerce offerings, including what to choose and when; our positioning in the commerce platform market; and our future commerce product roadmap.

o Who’s It For: Anyone that wants to understand the features and functions in detail of our new commerce offerings, with a focus on the recently released Sitecore Commerce, powered by Commerce Server.

PROT2B Insite for Sitecore with the Commerce Connector

o When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 1:30-2:30 PM in Juniper 4

o What: In this session, get an overview of Insite for Sitecore that provides details on the components such as web page libraries, the integration tool set, and the software development kit; the Commerce Connect integration with Sitecore; and Insite’s approach to Commerce Connect and its architecture.

o Who’s It For: Anyone that wants to understand the features and function in detail of Insite’s commerce offerings.

DEVT2B Commerce Server for the Sitecore Developer

o When: Tuesday September 9, 2014 at 1:30-2:30 PM in Ironwood 5

o What: Get a detailed technical understanding of Commerce Server and its integration into the Sitecore Experience Platform via Sitecore Commerce Connect.  Aimed at knowledgeable Sitecore developers, this session is aimed at providing a focused on-ramp to learn just what's relevant to build compelling commerce experiences with Commerce Server and Sitecore Commerce Connect.

o Who’s It For: Any Sitecore developer seeking to understand how to quickly ramp and build solutions on Sitecore Commerce, powered by Commerce Server.

DEV T2E Compelling, personalized Sitecore Storefronts with a Commerce Platform

o When: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 8:00-9:00 AM in Ironwood 5

o What: Sitecore Commerce Connect adds intrinsic commerce capabilities in Sitecore® Experience Platform™. In this session, get an in-depth look at how to architect and build compelling B2x storefronts and 1:1 personalized commerce experiences using Commerce Connect, irrespective of the underlying commerce platform.

o Who’s It For: Any Sitecore developer looking to build a commerce site on the Experience Platform as well as those looking for insight on integrating with other commerce platforms or ERP systems.

BUST2B Driving Commerce Revenue with the Sitecore Experience Platform

· When: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 1:30-2:30 PM in Ironwood 1, 2

· What: Learn how to use Sitecore's new commerce features to effectively engage customers in a buying cycle that ultimately culminates with a conversion. Also covered in this session are general commerce optimization best practices including areas such as SEO, cart abandonment, product introduction, replenishment, and more.

· Who’s It For: Anyone interested in business best practices leveraging the new capabilities introduced with Sitecore Commerce.



Additionally, several members of the SItecore Commerce product team will be there and we would love to meetup! Tweet us @CommerceServer or mail us at csinfo@sitecore.net.

We hope to see you at #SYMLV next week!