
Have ideas for Sharepoint 2007 Accelerator for Commerce Server 2007?

Hi there, I am posting this for my colleague Cam Stevenson:


First, an introduction. My name is Cam Stevenson, and I'm the Program Manager with the Commerce Server Product Unit who's responsible for producing the SharePoint 2007 accelerator for Commerce Server 2007.


As anyone who's familiar with SharePoint 2007 and Commerce Server 2007 knows, there are some pretty exciting integration opportunities between the two products, ranging from commerce enabled portals to content management, business analytics and enterprise search. Personally, I've written some Web Parts and other integration bits (and I'm sure a lot of you have as well), and it's pretty obvious that they're a natural fit in many areas. 


And while we have a solid handle on what we want to produce (check out Ryan's blog if you haven't), we obviously don't have a monopoly on good ideas: I'm certain there are lots of folks out there who have their own notions of what they'd like to see in a CS/SharePoint accelerator.


That being said, I'd like to take the opportunity to encourage anyone who has opinions or even random thoughts on what they'd like to see to pass them along. I'm particularly interested not only in functional areas, but in opinions regarding customization methods. You can email me at b-castev at Microsoft.com

