
Options for Document Link Conversion using the Connector for Lotus Notes

The purpose of this blog describes the three options available for converting Lotus Notes Document Links during transport from Domino to Exchange when using the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes.

The three options are listed on the General Tab in a scroll box at the bottom. Remember to restart the Microsoft Exchange Connectivity Controller and the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes when making changes to ensure they take effect. Use this scroll box to specify the appearance of Lotus Notes doclinks appear in messages bound for Exchange recipients. A doclink is a link embedded in a Lotus Notes document that a user clicks to jump to a location in the same document, or to another document, folder, or database. A doclink can be converted to an OLE object, an RTF attachment or, in the case of Lotus Notes/Domino servers, a URL shortcut.


1. OLE Document Link

Use this option to convert the doclink to an OLE object that is represented by an icon in the Exchange message. When clicked, the link starts Lotus Notes and opens the target document. In this case, the recipient's Notes ID must have Reader access to the Notes database associated with the doclink and must have access to Lotus Notes client software from the computer where the link is clicked.


2. RTF Attachment

Use this option to convert a doclink to a Rich Text Format (RTF) attachment, which is represented by an icon in the Exchange message. This is the default setting when the Connector is first installed. This one does require the connector id to have reader permissions on every database where you would possible create a document link. This way the the connector reads the document from the database and creates the rtf attachment.


3. URL Shortcut

Use this option to convert the doclink to a Windows URL shortcut icon in the resulting Exchange message with the name of the link's originating database. When you double-click the shortcut, the default Web browser tries to access the Lotus Notes/Domino server and database to which the link points. This option is the easiest to use for end users since it is like a web URL. Remember that the HTTP tasks must be running on the Domino server and the databases must be web enabled.
