
How to Engage SWOT

Hi Again! Its me, that annoying SWOT blogger. This blog is all about the ways you can interact with SWOT going forward.


Seems like a pretty dry topic – but muddle through and I will try to make it at least a little entertaining!


I want to talk SWOT shop, how can I do it? All you have to do is open a call with our Comphot team. The 4 ways that can be done are listed below (number 5 is a special case and doesn’t require to talk to the CompHot team).


1. Interact with the various SWOT blogs on this site.

2. If you are an MS Managed Partner contact your Partner Account Manager (PAM).

3. If you are an MS Partner (non-managed) log into Partner Central.

4. Convince an MS Executive you need one and they should open it for you J (Exec calls are opened directly and don’t require a comphot case number)


It’s not very hard – I promise.


Once you get the CompHot call opened they will assign a case number (and a case manager). The call will then be either handled by the case manager (based on guidance provided to them by the SWOT team) or it will be escalated to the Competitive Account Team (CATM). If CATM is overloaded or needs specialized technical help they will escalate the call to the SWOT team. Once we get the call we stay engaged until we are sure your issue has gone away.


Thanks for reading our “how to interact” with the SWOT blog.