
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT

Published: August 23, 2013
Version: 1.1
Abstract: The Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT article set helps you design and implement a hybrid cloud computing infrastructure based on Windows Azure features and capabilities. This article provides a table of contents for the Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT reference implementation article set.

Welcome to the Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT article set. This article set is a collection of several related articles that, when used together, enable you to design and implement a hybrid cloud infrastructure. This article set details the implementation of a hybrid cloud infrastructure using hardware vendor-agnostic and Microsoft products and technologies. The Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT article set is lab-tested solution and we expect that usage of it can significantly decrease the amount of custom design and testing required to implement a hybrid cloud infrastructure solution.

The following articles constitute the Hybrid IT Infrastructure Solution for Enterprise IT reference implementation article set:

  • Overview - This article introduces the domain, the audience, the article set, and the articles included in the article set.
  • Scenario Definition - This article describes an example, fictitious enterprise IT organization that is implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure solution.
  • Design -This article details which specific products, technologies, and configuration options were selected, out of the hundreds of individual available options, to meet the unique requirements for the example organization defined in the Scenario Definition article.
  • Implementation - This article provides a step-wise approach to implementing the design detailed in the Design article in your environment

In addition to the documents in the Hybrid Cloud Solution for Enterprise IT reference implementation article set, you may also be interested in the Hybrid Cloud Design Considerations article. That article provides in-depth information on the design considerations that should to be addressed when designing any hybrid cloud infrastructure. The Design Considerations article contains detailed discussions on the rationale used to create the design outlined in the Design article.

Change Log

Version Date Change Description
1.0 8/23/2013 Initial posting and editing complete.
1.1  10/15/2013 Changed title and content to be consistent with "hybrid cloud" name change 


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This is a table of contents for the hybrid cloud infrastructure solution for enterprise IT document set. A quick one-stop shop to give you a quick way of seeing what docs are included and the links to those docs. Enjoy!

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2013

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2014
    在这个 混合云系列 中,我的主要任务是深入讨论混合云的性质以及在各个场景和行业中使用混合云的优势。但是,在我们深入探讨本系列并开始讨论结果之前,我要先在接下来几篇文章中讨论如何从无模式发展到混合模式。