Tool to dump all MP's as XML (Unsealed) to a folder of your choice - Updated (Now version 2.0)
Well it's easy enough to do in PowerShell but there are a few caveats involved. I'm running System Center Essentials, I don't have Powershell. Or, I'm sitting at my desk wanting to examine the MP's on my fancy new Vista OS; do I really have to walk all that way to the machine room to do it at the Management Server. I just happened to be sitting on the sofa at home not knowing which MP contained script X which I was trying to find. So I wrote a C# console app to dump the MP's on my laptop for searching.
Hence the quick and dirty console app MP2XMLDumper.exe (
Version 2.0 now available - allowing export of specific management packs by partial name criteria.
In its simplest form, running it on a OM2007 or Essentials Management Server, it takes one parameter, the path to dump all the MP's to e.g. C:\MPS. In that case you need only MP2XMLDumper.exe.
If you are running it on another machine you will need the appropriate platform version of the SDK assemblies Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll and Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Common.dll in the same folder as the tool. The SDK assemblies can be found and copied from the management server installation folder SDK Binaries.
MP2XMLDumper <path> - e.g. C:\MyMPS (Folder will be created if it does not exist)
To run remotely against a Management Server:
MP2XMLDumper -s <managementserver> <userdomain\user> <path> - e.g. OMServer Contoso/omAdmin C:\MyMPS (Folder will be created if it does not exist)
You will be prompted for the connecting users password.
Remote connnections require the assemblies Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.DLL and Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Common.DLL to be present.
This is provided as a sample, no support is implied. I wrote it for me initially, so there is currently no option to specify distinct MP's to dump. It's all or nothing.
I'm not a developer, and don't profess to be either; just to set your expectations. It was the lack of SDK remoteability in MOM 2005 that led me to check out the remoteability features in the OM2007 SDK (
January 01, 2003
In my last post on this subject (
January 01, 2003
Mpviewer 1.7 Visualiser le contenu des MPs sous forme de fichier HTML ou Excel de Boris Yanuspolsky...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
I know this isn’t the first blog about what’s in a MP, but lately I often get asked what’s in MP fromAnonymous
January 01, 2003
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January 01, 2003
Cool small tool to export all management packs from OpsMgr2007, but I have created similar one usging the same SDK, but it's windows based application and you are able to choose which unsealed MPs you would like to export. The same tool but with graphical UI. If you like to I can send a ZIP to you. I don't have my blog yet :)Anonymous
January 01, 2003
There are so many tools currently developed that it is hard to know where to find them. Here is a list