
MVP Raymond Lewallen at NDDNUG

nddnug Microsoft MVP Raymond Lewallen is coming to the North Dallas .NET User Group on Wednesday, September 10th at 6:00 PM to present an in-depth look at Behavior Driven Development (BDD).

BDD is driven by business value!   The practices of BDD include:

  • Driving development from the outside-in
  • Using examples to describe the behavior of the application, or of units of code
  • Automating those examples to provide quick feedback and regression testing
  • Using 'should' to help drive out responsibility and allow the behavior to be questioned
  • Using 'ensure' to differentiate between outcomes which are the responsibility of the code in question, and those caused by other elements of code as a side-effect
  • Using mocks to stand-in for modules of code which have not yet been written


Meeting Date: Wednesday 9/10/2008

Meeting Time: 6:00 - 8:30pm

Meeting Location: Intuit Headquarters, Plano, TX.

Note that their normal meeting date has changed this month due to the Labor Day holiday. Typically, NDDNUG meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month

Technorati Tags: usergroup,event,dallas,dfw,nddnug
