
EMEA Windows Vista Readiness Tour Content

I recently participated in the first three stops of an EMEA Windows Vista and IE7 Readiness tour, specifically, I presented at events in Cairo, Madrid, and Copenhagen.  I then presented a somewhat extended version of the content at an ISV briefing in Reading, UK. It was a truly awesome experience - big thanks to everyone who attended! (And apologies to the folks in Cairo and Madrid for running overtime, and in Copenhagen for my demo failures).

Anyway, I've received a number of requests for the content, so I thought I'd post it here - along with a description of what I tried to convey in each session.

Top-10 Ways to "Light-Up" on Windows Vista

Windows Vista is introducing a wide range of new user experiences. And as users become accustomed to these experiences, they will begin to expect similar behavior from their applications. As a developer, it's hard to get excited about an API or a feature, or to come up with innovative ways to apply it to your scenarios, without an understanding of how it fits into the overall user experience and what it can enable you to accomplish. So this session was designed to be a guided tour through Windows Vista, using our Top-10 developer calls to action as the guide. The session primarily consisted of demos showing out-of-the-box features that illustrate each call to action. Many calls to action map to a number of different features - certainly more than I could show during a 90 minute session - so I included many hidden slides with links to additional documentation and resources. I'll walk through some of these calls to action, and post my demo code, in future blog posts.

[Download PowerPoint deck] (Oct 16, 2006: Restored link)

Tips & Tricks for Using Key Windows Vista Native APIs from Managed Code

This session was based on the one I delivered back in June at TechEd Boston, which I described in a previous post (Tips & Tricks for Going Native on Windows Vista). This deck also contains hidden slides describing the details I covered in the demos.

I'll be presenting an updated version of this deck in November, at TechEd Europe in Barcelona (DEV325). Hope to see you there!

[Download PowerPoint deck] (Oct 16, 2006: Restored link)