
Opalis Saves Time, Money and Stress - Get Started Today!!!

By now you have read or heard something about Opalis.

I know this, because you are here, reading this blog. I know, I know, you may have “Binged” “Opal” because you are shopping for some jewelry… That is ok, Opalis still may be able to save you or someone you know time, money and stress (in their Datacenter of course) :)


Download, Download, Download!

Go here: https://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/en/us/opalis.aspx

Download, Download, Download!

Read up on Opalis, I dare you. In fact, I Doub—, no I Triple Dog Dare you!

The best part is you can get a 180-Day Trial. If you didn’t want to do the math, that is 6-Months. Half-a-Year’s worth of IT Process Automation fun, for FREE. Of course, once you try it out and start saving that aforementioned, time, money and stress, you will be hooked and looking for even more System Center products.

In fact, the way I look at it, you couldn’t even give me an excuse as to you shouldn’t download this software and start using it today.

There is A TON of online content to get you started. Not to toot my own horn, but I happen to know where you can get Video Tutorials on how to get it downloaded, extracted, installed, and configured in your environment.


Oh and much, much more! Be sure to check back on my TechNet Blog on a regular basis to see your favorite “8-Minute-Demo Guy” crank out the demos you want on the content you crave…


Ok, so no one ever said I shouldn’t TRY to be a late-late-night commercial announcer. I thought I would give the tone a try… We shall see what the hit count looks like! ;)

