
Technical Roles Currently Available here at Microsoft Australia

I know I often rave about working here at Microsoft – but what I don't often do is let you know that we are currently hiring!

The good news is that we have quite a few fantastic roles open at the moment – and they are deeply technical roles not just in Sydney!!

Sharepoint (Sydney) - https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=4&jid=23256&jlang=EN

SCCM/SCOM (Melbourne) - https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=6&jid=28002&jlang=EN

AD (Canberra) - https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=3&jid=29198&jlang=EN

AD/Exchange (Adelaide) - https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=1&jid=29473&jlang=EN

Go Check them out & apply! Smile