
Wavefront & Microsoft Present: What’s new with Windows Phone - WaveGuide Code Camp

Calling all developers and designers!

Wavefront and Microsoft are back with hands-on coding workshops  to update you on what’s new with Windows phone, support your app building, and get you prepared to submit  to the Windows Phone Store. We have listened to the feedback that we received at previous workshops and will address key areas of interest, like gaming and design.

The momentum for the Windows Phone platform is strong – in just over a year and a half the store has grown to well over 100,000 apps and games.  Now is the time to port your existing apps, as well as build new apps for this rapidly growing platform.  The workshop will take you through the basic principles of building the latest Windows Phone app, with an overview of what you can expect throughout this process.  After this session, you will have the opportunity to start building your own Windows Phone apps with support from Windows Phone experts and proctors who will be on hand to answer questions.  We will also have a series of mini-lessons throughout the day to introduce you to some of the deeper concepts of Windows Phone development. The choice is yours - you can join  the lessons or continue building your app.

Please note: you will need your own PC running Windows 8 to participate in the workshop, and you will need to download the free developer tools ahead of time.

Who should attend?
• Developers with an iOS or Android app ready to port to Windows Phone
• Experienced developers wanting to learn more about the Windows Phone opportunity
• Past attendees who will benefit from new content as well as a deeper dive into past topics

Why develop apps for Windows Phone? • Increase your reach to a new audience of early adopters looking for great apps
• Showcase your apps that may be buried or lost in other saturated stores
• Windows Phone developers are well supported and rewarded - check out our website for details (Developer Movement will be returning soon)

08:30AM – 09:00AM – Registration and Breakfast
09:00AM – 09:45AM – Windows Phone: Past, Present and Future
09:45AM – 10:30AM – A Lap Around Windows Phone App Development
10:30AM – 10:45AM – Coffee Break
10:45AM – 11:15AM – Optional Mini-Lesson: Code Sharing between Windows Phone and Windows 8 with MVVM
12:00PM – 01:00PM – Lunch
01:00PM – 01:30PM – Optional Mini-Lesson: An Overview of Windows Phone Game Development with XNA
02:30PM – 03:00PM – Optional Mini-Lesson: Understanding the Modern UI Design in Windows Phone
03:00PM – 03:15PM – Coffee Break
04:00PM – 04:30PM – Optional Mini-Lesson:  Succeeding in the Marketplace
04:45PM – 05:00PM – Wrap up and prize draws

Dates & Cities:
Toronto - Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Ottawa - Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Montreal - Thursday, November 29, 2012
Vancouver - Monday, December 3, 2012

Cost: $25 + HST, includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments and a chance to win great prizes!

Register now to learn how you can develop cutting edge Windows Phone apps that will increase your reach and grow your revenue.