
The Worldwide Telescope - Have a Dialog with the Universe!

Imagine you are not just gazing up the night sky, but can tour the whole universe and see what a Hubble Space Telescope can see...

Imagine you are accompanied by astronomers and people want to share their enthusiasm about the universe with you...

Imagine you can explore the universe the way you want to and share your tours with your friends...

Sounds good? As someone who has been always interested in astronomy and fantasizing about exploring the universe, this is like a dream come true for me! We introduced WorldWide Telescope (WWT) on February 27 at the TED Conference in Monterey. "

WWT is a rich visualization environment that functions as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground and space telescopes in the world for a seamless, guided exploration of the universe.

I included the TED presentation (7mins) video below. I love this quote in the video "Our gaze fills up the universe. Thanks to the creators of Worldwise Telescope, we can now start to have a dialog with the universe. I think the Worldwise Telescope will convince you that we maybe tiny [compared to the universe] but we are truly wonderfully significant!" Enjoy!

Technorati Tags: WWT,Worldwide Telescope,Microsoft Research
