New Docs for Windows Phone 7 Development
The Developer Guidance team has just released Building a Windows Phone 7 Application from Start to Finish in the MSDN Library. This content is intended to help developers with common challenges by putting the features together in a complete application from whiteboard to marketplace. It includes a running sample, guidance on core concepts for getting started with Windows Phone 7, and callouts for best practices and requirements. We hope it will provide a complimentary experience to the in-depth product documentation and quickstarts.
This is a great place to start for folks who haven’t done any WP7 development yet but want to. It covers almost all the major areas that a typical app would need to do. A notable topic that is *not* included is any information about the Push Notification Services, but more is on the way.
The guidance focuses on the following development tasks:
· Designing the user interface (UI) and choosing appropriate controls, icons, and graphics. · Using the application bar and back button, and handling navigation between pages. · Storing and retrieving data using isolated storage. · Display data in controls, enabling user edits, and performing validation. · Handling application deactivation, tombstoning, and reactivation. · Publishing your application in the Windows Phone Marketplace. |