
Calvin Hsia's WebLog

thoughts from a professional developer

Do you know this feature of the Document View Window?

Open a PRG file with several procedures, functions or methods in the VFP editor. Open the Document...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/04/2006

What's the difference between Vartype and Type

Happy New Year… I took some time off to spend with my family. To get the type of variable “MyVar”,...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/03/2006

Open a file that's already opened in the editor

In versions prior to VFP7, if you open a file in the VFP editor, you couldn’t do anything else with...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/18/2005

Collection as Rowsource in Listbox

Here’s some sample code for a new feature in VFP9: the Listbox Rowsource can be a collection, and...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/16/2005

Inspect your memory image and see fragmentation

The VirtualQueryEx function can help to inspect the memory of a particular process. It returns...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/13/2005

GetEnv Environment Variable question

I received a question: Can you explain me the internal behavior of VFP's GetEnv() function. It's...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/09/2005

What's the greatest invention of all time?

I read this from Raymond, which prompted this post. To qualify for greatness, an invention would...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/07/2005

Use Named Pipes to communicate between processes or machines

Pipes have been useful for decades for interprocess communication. At a Windows Command prompt, you...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/06/2005

What is a Microsoft MVP? Calvin's List updated for the new century

In this definition of Microsoft MVP on the Wikipedia is a description of a list that I maintained...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/02/2005

Using the Databar feature with real data

I received an email with some sales figures in a table. I just pasted it into a new VFP program,...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/02/2005

SQL Select helps tune a car engine

In this post: Fox helps drag racer win Microsoft Start Something Amazing Award, I wrote about an...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/01/2005

Recompress your digital pictures to save space

I have 23,000 digital pictures and movies taking many gigabytes of storage from the past decade or...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/29/2005


Before VFP7, it was very difficult to get an object back from a DECLARE DLL call. I added the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/28/2005

Are water and salt the only inorganics we consume?

Of all the naturally occurring foods/drinks that humans normally ingest, is it true that all but two...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/25/2005

At Southwest Fox conference I presented a sample calling a VB.NET server to do regular expression...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/22/2005

Eliminating Fire Alarm sound at Chess Tournament Awards Ceremony

My daughter earned a 4th place trophy out of 100 competitors in her division at a chess tournament,...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/21/2005

Excel's new gradient Data Bar feature is cool: you can do it too!

I’ve seen demos of Excel 12 and it’s conditional formatting Data Bar and thought it was cool. In...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/21/2005

Fox helps drag racer win Microsoft Start Something Amazing Award

It was very impressive to see a computer using FoxPro helping a 15 year old drag racer win...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/18/2005

What happens if external code throws an exception?

In VFP, there are many features to call external code, such as ActiveX controls, COM servers,...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/17/2005

Intentionally crash your program

When developing the Watson error reporting features (see Dr. Watson: Please send in your error...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/16/2005

Is this a bug in the View Parent Code button?

We received a bug report Steps to Reproduce : 1) Create MyButtonClass1 class of MyButtonLibrary1....

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/15/2005

Collecting pictures for yearbook, Ektaflex

Not even three months of school have passed, and I’ve already received a request for school photos...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/14/2005

How old is your computer?

You can determine the last time your Administrator password was changed, which could have been the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/11/2005

Windows Security and how it affects running generated code

Here I described how VFP generates executable code and runs it for early and late binding COM...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/10/2005

Load, Call, Character Generators, and "Letter Quality" printers

I remember early versions of FoxPro had the LOAD and CALL commands (try typing them in the command...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/09/2005

The vTable name is __vfptr in the debugger

When I’m at a breakpoint debugging some C++ code, sometimes I drill down into members of variables...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/07/2005

What to do with the Bindevent return value?

The BINDEVENT( ) Function allows you to attach code to run when other code is executed. It’s sort of...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/04/2005

Quiz: Infinite Continued fractions

At the SouthWest Fox speaker dinner we were talking about continued (or infinite) fractions. I posed...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/02/2005

How does Task Manager determine if an Application is Not Responding?

If you start Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc) and display the Applications tab, you will see a list of...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/01/2005

Local vs Private variables

I received a question: As you know most of variables in methods and procedures are local, not...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/31/2005

My toys over the years

At the Southwest Fox conference, I showed a slide titled “My Toys” I showed the computer, the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/30/2005

Customer question: detectan F10 keypress

I received this question: Is there any way to detect an F10 keypress in the KeyPress() event? It...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/28/2005

Tools->Options->Dump out settings changed

Try this: ACTIVATE WINDOW "debug output" Now choose Tools->Options. Shift-Click on OK You’ll see...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/27/2005

Why did I get an error while publishing Photos?

I was publishing some photos/movies of my 27 month old son taking ski lessons (see Sharing Digital...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/26/2005

Database Events in Stored Procedures can have default code

Try running this code: CLOSE DATABASES all CREATE DATABASE test MODIFY DATABASE nowait Now choose...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/25/2005

Do you know everything about Factorials?

When I was in 7th grade at Amity Junior High School in Orange Connecticut, I gave a presentation on...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/24/2005

Optimization question from a reader

I received a question: …I've always been curious about code like this: IF wParam=ASC("a")...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/21/2005

How to hook command window keystrokes

A customer asked how to hook events for the command window. The sample below uses BINDEVENT to hook...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/20/2005

A Visual Basic COM object is simple to create, call and debug from Excel

At the SouthWest Fox conference in Phoenix I asked “How many people have Visual Studio?” Almost...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/19/2005

Replace VFP Native dialogs with your own

I wrote a sample while developing the MENUHIT feature that shows how to replace a native VFP dialog....

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/17/2005

Ctrl-C to capture MessageBox and dialogs

There was a tip at SouthWest Fox conference attributed to Drew Speedie. Ctrl-C on an error dialog...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/17/2005

Run the wizards modelessly

Most of the wizards that are shipped with FoxPro are modal forms. You can run them Modelessly, which...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/11/2005

Why can't I browse my table?

You can open a table with a UNC path in it, such as USE \myserver\myshare\path\table or USE...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/07/2005

That was the worst natural disaster to hit the US

A coworker’s family was hit hard by Katrina. She’s collecting donations in our cafeteria today and...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/06/2005

Find out when your password expires

I didn’t like to get the warning that my password expires 14 days before. I like to wait til the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/06/2005

What is the workarea alias when a trigger is executed?

When a trigger fires, VFP code is executed. What is the workarea while executing that code? CREATE...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/05/2005


A customer asked about how to change the colors in a grid dynamically. The code below changes the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/04/2005

String Optimization: More detail

In the prior post (String Optimization. How does it work?) I described an optimization of how the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/03/2005

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