
Command Shell Presentation at MMS 2008


I will be doing a presentation at the upcoming MMS 2008 titled Administrative Scenarios using the Operations Manager 2007 Command Shell.  This is a bit of a departure for me since I've presented several times at MMS but usually on management packs and custom monitoring scenarios.  This will be a chance to present different solutions I've created with Command Shell working with various customers.  Not management packs but still automation, so we're well within my comfort zone.

I'm working out the different scenarios I'm going to cover right now and already have a list longer than time is going to allow.  That list currently includes the following:

  • Importing and exporting management packs from a command line
  • Analyzing management pack contents
  • Deploying agents from a command line
  • Modifying settings across multiple agents with a single command
  • Scheduling maintenance mode for single object and related objects
  • Resolving alerts matching specified criteria
  • Launching tasks from a command line
  • Extracting performance and alert data

Depending on the scenario, the solution may be a CmdLet or two or may require a full blown script.  I personally hate trying to feverishly copy code and specific command lines while sitting in a presentation, so I'll include the code for each scenario here on the blog just prior to the presentation itself. 

If you're going to be attending MMS this year and have any scenarios you'd like to see covered in my presentation, let me know.  Obviously I can't guarantee anything, but I would like to see if there are any interesting scenarios I haven't thought of.  I could also use a little feedback on the scenarios that are most interesting since a couple are probably going to have to fall off of that list due to time constraints.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Command Shell Presentation at MMS 2008