
East Region BizSpark Startup Kinvey Closes $2M Round

Awesome news. Hacker Chick, Abby Fichtner, has some details in the Microsoft BizSpark blog. Congats to Kinvey!

Kinvey, Backend as a Service, Closes $2M Round

We knew Kinvey was up to all good things when Atlas Venture’s Fred Destin introduced their Boston 2011 TechStars Demo Day presentation with the surprise announcement that he was leading their seed round with a $1 million investment.

(Okay, we actually had a pretty good idea long before that as we watched them evolve their ideas on how to help developers create Bad asS apps).

And so we’re extremely excited (if not terribly surprised) to share that they just closed out that seed round at $2M. In the words of TechCrunch, Kinvey aims to let developers skip past all the boring database-building and get right into the fun stuff.