
Office 365 Import Service for SPO Migration - How to?

According to the following TechNet article published by Microsoft, you can use the Microsoft Office 365 Import service to migrate files from your on-premises file shares or from your own premises SharePoint Server site.

You can move your data into Office 365 in one of two ways:

  • You can use your network to upload files to Azure blob storage.

  • You can physically ship your drives to Microsoft.

This post will focus on how to use your network to upload files to Azure blob storage in order to be imported in SharePoint Online.

The scope of this article is not to duplicate the content in the official TechNet article but to leverage the SharePoint Online Administrator migrate their on-premises data, easily:

Steps to perform

  1. Please save the attached script locally.
  2. Create a folder called "Ingestion" in the root of your C: drive. Drop in there the files you would like to upload.
  3. Download and install : SharePoint Online Management Shell
  4. Open PowerShell ISE (as Administrator if possible) and open the file.
  5. Adjust all the lines per your needs, until ##### START WORKING #####.
  6. Run the script
    1. The script performs all the necessary operations to generate the content to be uploaded in Azure for Content Import and also generates the CSV files that has no documentation on the internet how to have it built.
  7. Use the generated csv as per step number 7 in the TechNet article referenced above.

