
Kimberly Tripp and Paul Randal returning to Dublin

The rumours are true! We are helping to organise Paul Randal and Kimberly Tripp to return to Ireland to run a WEEK intensive SQL Immersion event in Dublin for the 21st to the 25th of September.

The last time Paul and Kimberly were over the session was massively over subscribed and it was the first time I have ever seen a perfect 100% score on a satisfaction survey.

This is a must for anyone heavily in SQL Server and wanting to get access to the best SQL trainers in the world! I was on the SQL Ranger/MCA course in Redmond, which Paul and Kim do a whole week of content. Even for someone with 16+ years in the database industry there is a huge amount to pick from them and move to the next level.

if you have been to or heard of a Paul and Kimberly session, then you know that this will be a not to miss SQL Server event!

Registration links will be up in a day or so!!