
SQL Server 2008 SP2 is out!

The SQL Server 2008 SP2 has major improvements that include integration of reporting services with SharePoint products and several management improvements. This final version of the Service Pack 2 includes new compatibility features with SQL Server 2008 R2 and hotfix solutions provided in SQL Server 2008 SP1 Cumulative Updates 1 thru 8. For example, with SP2 applied, an instance of the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine can be enrolled with a SQL Server 2008 R2 Utility Control Point as a managed instance of SQL Server.

You can read all about new features and enhancements in the Release Notes.

Downloads available here:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Feature Pack

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Reporting Services Report Builder

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Upgrade Advisor

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Express