Programmatically find MS Shipped Databases
Have you ever needed to programmatically find what databases in you server are part of Microsoft products? Maybe to use that information in your own piece of code?
In my case, I needed that information to exclude Sharepoint and Biztalk databases from the AdaptiveIndexDefrag cycles that are part of the maintenance operations we deploy in customers (implemented by the related job, not the procedure itself), and some other internal uses.
So with the help of several engineers around the globe, I have gathered a matrix of products and their databases. Because some products do not enforce a fixed database name, we also needed some notable schema objects that would allow us to identify those databases.
Here’s the result of that shared effort:
Product |
Database Name(s) |
Notable schema objects |
References |
ASP.NET Session State |
ASPState |
ASPStateTempSessions; ASPStateTempApplications |
BizTalk 2004 |
BizTalkMgmtDb BizTalkDTADb BizTalkMsgBoxDb BizTalkRuleEngineDb BAMStarSchema BAMArchive BAMAnalysis BAMAlertsApplication BAMAlertsNSMain BizTalkAnalysisDb BizTalkHwsDb BizTalkEDIDb BAMPrimaryImportsuccessfully TPM |
BizTalkDBVersion | |
BizTalk 2004 / 2006R2 / 2009 / 2010 |
SSOX_<variable> |
Biztalk 2006R2 |
BizTalkMgmtDb BizTalkDTADb BizTalkMsgBoxDb BizTalkRuleEngineDb BAMStarSchema BAMArchive BAMAnalysis BAMAlertsApplication BAMAlertsNSMain BizTalkAnalysisDb BizTalkHwsDb BizTalkEDIDb BAMPrimaryImport TPM |
BizTalkDBVersion | |
BizTalk 2009 / 2010 / 2013 |
BizTalkMgmtDb BizTalkDTADb BizTalkMsgBoxDb BizTalkRuleEngineDb BAMPrimaryImport BAMStarSchema BAMArchive BAMAnalysis BAMAlertsApplication BAMAlertsNSMain |
BizTalkDBVersion | |
Dynamics AX 2009, Dynamics AX 4.0 |
No specific name as it varies based on customer preference. |
LedgerTrans; InventTrans; InventSum | |
Dynamics CRM 2011 |
MSCRM_Config |
Organization; OrganizationProperties; Notification |
Dynamics CRM 4.0 / 2011 |
<variable>_MSCRM |
ContactBase; ContactExtensionBase; AccountBase; AccountExtensionBase; |
Dynamics GP 7.5 / 8 / 9 / 10 |
No specific name as it varies based on customer preference. |
DU000020;PDK_SQL_Options;PDK_Version;SY_SQL_Options;GPS_SQL_Error_Codes; |
Dynamics NAV 5.0 / 2009 |
No specific name as it varies based on customer preference. "Demo Database NAV (6-0)" - default logical file name |
User Personalization; <identifier>$G_L Entry; <identifier>$Item Ledger Entry; <identifier>$Bank Account Ledger Entry | |
FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint |
FASTSearchAdminDatabase | |
Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 |
FEPDW FEPDB_<variable> |
Forefront Identity Management 2010 |
FIMService | |
Lync 2010 |
xdsrtcrtcdynrtcabrtcab1cpsdynrgsdynrgsconfiglisLcsLogLcsCDRQoEMetricsNo specific name for Group Chat database as it varies based on customer preference |
FocusJoinsAndLeaves;MediationServers;ConferenceSessionDetails;AppliedBandwidthSource;PayloadDescription;PrincipalMemberDifference;PrincipalAffiliations | |
Lync 2013 |
xdsrtcrtcsharedrtcxdsrtcdynrtcabrtcab1cpsdynrgsdynrgsconfiglislyssLcsLogLcsCDRQoEMetrics No specific name for Persistent Chat database as it varies based on customer preference |
FocusJoinsAndLeaves;MediationServers;ConferenceSessionDetails;AppliedBandwidthSource;PayloadDescription;tblPrincipalMemberDifference;tblPrincipalAffiliations | |
MediaRoom |
BranchDB vodBackend ActivityLog ServiceGroupDB EventLog ClientTraceLog ListingsSettings tServerController |
SQLJobDefinition; JobStepDefinition; JobScheduleDefinition |
MediaRoom |
BranchDB ActivityLog ServiceGroupDB ClientTraceLog |
MasterInfo |
MediaRoom |
BranchDB ServiceGroupDB |
VodKeyRing |
PerformancePoint Services |
PerformancePoint Service Application_<variable> PerformancePoint Service_<variable> | |
PowerPivot |
DefaultPowerPivotServiceApplicationDB_<variable> | |
Project Server 2010 |
ProjectServer_Draft ProjectServer_Published ProjectServer_Archive_<variable> ProjectServer_Reporting | |
Project Server 2013 |
ProjectWebApp (Default - can be changed) | |
SC Orchestrator 2012 |
Orchestrator |
MaintenanceTasks; TASK_RUNPROGRAM |
SCCM 2007 |
SMS_<variable> |
Agents; DistributionPoints; DistributionPointGroup; SysResList | |
SCCM 2012 |
CM_<variable> |
Agents; DistributionPoints; DistributionPointGroup; SysResList | |
SCCM 2012 |
SCOM 2007R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 |
OperationsManager OperationsManagerDWOperationsManagerAC |
ManagedEntity; MaintenanceMode |
SCSM 2010 |
ServiceManagerDWRepositoryDWStagingAndConfigDWRepositoryDWDataMart |
SCSM 2012 |
Service ManagerDWStagingAndConfigDWRepositoryDWDataMartDWASDataBaseOMDWDataMartCMDWDataMart |
Sharepoint 2007 |
WSS_Search WSS_Search_Config SharedServices_DB SharedServicesN_DB SharedServices_Search_DB SharedServicesN_Search_DB WSS_Content SharePoint_Admin_Content_<variable> |
Versions | |
Sharepoint 2007 |
SSO | |
Sharepoint 2010 |
SharePoint_Config SharePoint_Admin_Content WSS_Content WSS_UsageApplication Bdc_Service_DB_<variable> Application_Registry_server_DB_<variable> SubscriptionSettings_<variable> Secure_Store_Service_DB_<variable> StateService WebAnalyticsServiceApplication_StagingDB_<variable> WebAnalyticsServiceApplication_ReportingDB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_DB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_CrawlStoreDB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_PropertyStoreDB_<variable> User Profile Service Application_ProfileDB_<variable> User Profile Service Application_SyncDB_<variable> User Profile Service Application_SocialDB_<variable> Managed Metadata Service_<variable> WordAutomationServices_<variable> |
Versions | |
SharePoint 2013 |
SharePoint_Config SharePoint_Admin_Content WSS_Content AppManagement Bdc_Service_DB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_Db_<variable> Search_Service_Application_AnalyticsReportingStoreDB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_CrawlStoreDB_<variable> Search_Service_Application_LinkStoreDB_<variable> Secure_Store_Service_DB_<variable> SharePoint_Logging SettingsServiceDB User Profile Service Application_ProfileDB_<variable> User Profile Service Application_SyncDB_<variable> User Profile Service Application_SocialDB_<variable> WordAutomationServices_<variable> Managed Metadata Service Application_Metadata_<variable> SharePoint Translation Services_<variable> SessionStateService_<variable> |
Versions |
SQL 2012 Semantic Search |
Semanticsdb | |
ReportServer |
ChunkData; ExecutionLogStorage; Subscriptions; SegmentedChunk |
ReportServerTempDB |
ChunkData; ExecutionCache; SegmentedChunk |
SSRS (Sharepoint Integrated Mode) |
ReportingService_<variable> ReportingService_<variable>_Alerting RSDB |
ChunkData; ExecutionLogStorage; Subscriptions; SegmentedChunk | |
SSRS (Sharepoint Integrated Mode) |
ReportingService_<variable>TempDB RSTempDB |
ChunkData; ExecutionCache; SegmentedChunk | |
TFS2010 / TFS 2012 |
Tfs_Configuration |
tbl_AccessMapping; tbl_CatalogResource; tbl_NotificationQueue | |
TFS2010 / TFS 2012 |
Tfs_DefaultCollectionTfs_<variable> |
FenceConfiguration; FencedLabSystemConfiguration; WorkItemsAre; WorkItemsWere | |
TFS2010 / TFS 2012 |
Tfs_Warehouse |
FactWorkItemLinkHistory; DimToolArtifactDisplayUrl; FactWorkItemHistory | |
Here’s a snippet using this information. First list all DBs that are already identifiable by name as not being a MS Shipped DB:
IF EXISTS (SELECT [object_id] FROM tempdb.sys.objects (NOLOCK) WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpdbs'))
DROP TABLE #tmpdbs
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT [object_id] FROM tempdb.sys.objects (NOLOCK) WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpdbs'))
CREATE TABLE #tmpdbs (id int IDENTITY(1,1), [dbid] int, [dbname] sysname, isdone bit)
INSERT INTO #tmpdbs ([dbid], [dbname], isdone)
SELECT database_id, name, 0 FROM master.sys.databases (NOLOCK) WHERE is_read_only = 0 AND [state] = 0 AND database_id > 4 AND is_distributor = 0
-- Ignore MS shipped databases
AND [name] NOT IN (
--Semantic Search
--SCSM 2012
'Service Manager','DWStagingAndConfig','DWRepository','DWDataMart','DWASDataBase','OMDWDataMart','CMDWDataMart',
--SCSM 2010
--Biztalk 2009 / 2010 / 2013
--Biztalk 2006R2
--Biztalk 2004
--Dynamics CRM 2011
--Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010
--Lync 2010
--Lync 2013
--SCOM 2007R2 / 2012 / 2012R2
--SC Orchestrator 2012
--Sharepoint 2007
--SCCM 2007 / 2012
--Project Server
--SSRS (Sharepoint Integrated Mode)
--TFS 2010 / 2012
--Dynamics CRM 2011
--Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010
--SCCM 2007
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SMS_%'
--SCCM 2012
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'CM_%'
--SharePoint Server 2007
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WSS_Search%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharedServices_DB%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharedServices_Search_DB%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharedServices__DB%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharedServices__Search_DB%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharedServicesContent%'
--SharePoint 2010
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Secure_Store_Service_DB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'StateService%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WebAnalyticsServiceApplication_StagingDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WebAnalyticsServiceApplication_ReportingDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Search_Service_Application_DB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Search_Service_Application_CrawlStoreDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Search_Service_Application_PropertyStoreDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'User Profile Service Application_ProfileDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'User Profile Service Application_SyncDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'User Profile Service Application_SocialDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Managed Metadata Service_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WordAutomationServices_%'
--SharePoint 2013
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_Admin_Content%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'AppManagement%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Search_Service_Application_AnalyticsReportingStoreDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Search_Service_Application_LinkStoreDB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Secure_Store_Service_DB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_Logging_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SettingsServiceDB%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_Logging_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Managed Metadata Service Application_Metadata_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint Translation Services_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SessionStateService%'
--PerformancePoint Services
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'PerformancePoint Service_%'
--SharePoint Foundation 2010
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_Config%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_AdminContent%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WSS_Content%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'WSS_UsageApplication%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Bdc_Service_DB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Application_Registry_server_DB_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SubscriptionSettings_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'SharePoint_AdminContent%'
--SSRS SP Integrated Mode
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ReportingService_%'
--Project Server 2010
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ProjectServer_Draft%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ProjectServer_Published%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ProjectServer_Archive_%'
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ProjectServer_Reporting%'
--FAST Search Server for SharePoint 2010
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'FASTSearchAdminDatabase%'
--PowerPivot for SharePoint
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'DefaultPowerPivotServiceApplicationDB%'
--Project Server
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'ProjectWebApp%'
--PerformancePoint Services
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'PerformancePoint Service_%'
--TFS 2010 / 2012
AND [name] NOT LIKE 'Tfs_%';
And then look for notable tables in remaining DBs:
IF EXISTS (SELECT [object_id] FROM tempdb.sys.objects (NOLOCK) WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tblMSDBs'))
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT [object_id] FROM tempdb.sys.objects (NOLOCK) WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tblMSDBs'))
CREATE TABLE #tblMSDBs ([dbid] int, [dbname] sysname);
DECLARE @dbname sysname, @dbid int, @sqlcmd NVARCHAR(2000)
WHILE (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #tmpdbs WHERE isdone = 0) > 0
SELECT TOP 1 @dbname = [dbname], @dbid = [dbid] FROM #tmpdbs WHERE isdone = 0
SET @sqlcmd = 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + ';
IF EXISTS (SELECT name AS [tab_name]
FROM sys.all_objects (NOLOCK) WHERE name IN (''ASPStateTempSessions'',''ASPStateTempApplications'',''BizTalkDBVersion'',''LedgerTrans'',
''DimToolArtifactDisplayUrl'',''FactWorkItemHistory'',''User Personalization'',''DU000020'',''PDK_SQL_Options'',''PDK_Version'',''SY_SQL_Options'',
OR name LIKE ''SSOX_%'' OR name LIKE ''%$G_L Entry'' OR name LIKE ''%$%Ledger Entry'')
SELECT ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @dbid) + ''' AS [DBID], ''' + @dbname + ''' AS [DBName]'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlcmd
UPDATE #tmpdbs
SET isdone = 1
WHERE dbid = @dbid
DELETE #tmpdbs
FROM #tmpdbs t
INNER JOIN #tblMSDBs tms ON t.[dbid] = tms.[dbid];
Finally, list all DBs in the system that were not identified as MS Shipped DBs:
SELECT dbid,dbname FROM #tmpdbs;
Many thanks to fellow engineers that helped gather much of the raw information behind this: Alex Meyer, Andres Naranjo, Arvind Shyamsundar, Carson Yeung, Chin Seng Goh, Gonçalo Antunes, João Oliveira, João Loureiro, Manuel Semblano, Marco Cibis, Rui Costa, Rui Veloso, Shaun Beane and Todd Haynie.
Until next time!
Disclaimer: I hope that the information on these pages is valuable to you. Your use of the information contained in these pages, however, is at your sole risk. All information on these pages is provided "as -is", without any warranty, whether express or implied, of its accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement, and none of the third-party products or information mentioned in the work are authored, recommended, supported or guaranteed by Ezequiel. Further, Ezequiel shall not be liable for any damages you may sustain by using this information, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- Anonymous
October 28, 2013
Wow, very helpful, thank you! As someone who's had to write maintenance procs to handle BizTalk DBs in special ways, I appreciate the nature of the problem. Your hard work is appreciated. :-) - Anonymous
November 08, 2013
Most useful. Thanks.N.B. however that it's a table. Tables contain heterogeneous elements, matrices contain homogeneous elements. - Anonymous
November 08, 2013
Robert, the term matrix can mean in its simplest form, "something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops", which is what I was referring to, because it is meant as a source to develop other work, and not the mathematical term.Nevertheless, thank you for your feedback.