
What’s in the Azure Security Information Site on Azure.com–June 2016

imageIf you haven’t had chance yet to see the new Azure Security Information site on Azure.com, then here’s you chance to get started!

We released the site this month and it has a nice collection of Azure security content that we think you’ll find useful as you learn your way around Azure security.

Starting this month, and then each month going forward, we’ll post our article “inventory” – this might help you find what you need faster by being able to quickly browse everything we have in our collection.

Think of these monthly posts as a sort of “site map” for the Azure Security Information site on Azure.com

Get Started


Network Security

Storage Security

Compute Security

Security Management and Monitoring

Identity Management

PaaS Services

Vertical Industries

Security Architecture

This is just a start! There’s more to come on the Azure Security Information site on Azure.com, stay tuned to this blog for more.



Tom Shinder
Program Manager, Azure Security
@tshinder | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email | Web | Bing me! | GOOG me!
