
Azure Deployment issue - hangs with Status "Preparing to upload, please wait"

Recently we were deploying a hosted service deployment on Azure. Deployment hangs with status saying "Preparing to upload, please wait". Unfortunately there is no message or event to show if the deployment is in progress or stop.



We started with an Azure deployment and after some time (30 mnts)  i realized the status of deployment is not changing. Ideally this deployment should be over in 10 mnts.I tried to kills the existing deployment using Azure portal but failed, as Azure portal won't let you remove hosted-service during deployment. I also tried to use powershell 2.2.2 "Remove-Deployment" cmdlets with no success as cmdlets also won't work unless deployment stream is closed.

I couldn't find any notification / message on Azure portal to confirm if deployment is in progress or not.





You need to raise a ticket with Microsoft Support here. Support team will need your subscription Id and once provided they will kill your deployment session.  With a fresh login you can start the deployment afresh. In my case support confirmed that issue was due to NW issue. I changed my NW connection from wireless to wired one, this triggered the issue. Though post switch the network was available all the time looks like once connection is broken Azure won't retry for deployment.  

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