
Using Application Virtualization Sequencer to Virtualize your Applications with App-V

GrayAndYellowGearsMicrosoft MVP Leandro E. Carvalho been busy over in the TechNet Wiki, creating lots of articles on all kinds of Microsoft virtualization technologies.  This one walks you through installing the App-V Sequencer and Sequencing an app (making the virtualization package) so if you’re new to App-V, new to the concept of Sequencing or just wanting a quick refresher then head on over to the Wiki and check it out:

To submit applications via the virtual Server App-V or other existing methods is necessary to perform a procedure called Sequencing. This is literally the case to "virtualize" the software components such as files, registry keys, services and components in a special package.
After that the application will run through this package and all its components are extracted from it, creating a kind of bubble for application use and execution….

To continue reading click here.

J.C. Hornbeck | System Center Knowledge Engineer

The App-V Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/appv/
The WSUS Support Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/sus/
The SCMDM Support Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/mdm/
The ConfigMgr Support Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/configurationmgr/
The SCOM 2007 Support Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/operationsmgr/
The SCVMM Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/scvmm/
The MED-V Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/medv/
The DPM Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/dpm/
The OOB Support Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/oob/
The Opalis Team blog: https://blogs.technet.com/opalis
The Service Manager Team blog: http: https://blogs.technet.com/b/servicemanager
The AVIcode Team blog: http: https://blogs.technet.com/b/avicode
The System Center Essentials Team blog: http: https://blogs.technet.com/b/systemcenteressentials
The Server App-V Team blog: http: https://blogs.technet.com/b/serverappv

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