
KB: Deleting a package in Microsoft Application Virtualization fails with Error code 0000B005

imageHere’s a KB we just published that talks about a condition where the status displayed in the FCS Malware Summary report may be a little bit confusing:



When a Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) administrator attempts to delete an old App-V package on an App-V 4.5 SP2 Management server, the operation fails with the following error:
Unexpected error occurred. Unable to delete the specified application. Please report the following error code to your system administrator. Error code: 0000B005.


This can occur if the Application_Usage table is too large (e.g. has millions of rows) and there is an Application record in the Application_Usage table associated to the Application ID of the App-V Package that is being deleted.


To resolve this issue, truncate the Application_Usage table or delete the specific Application ID records from the Application_Usage table for the application you wish to delete.
First, check the Message_Log and Application_usage tables to determine if they are too large (have millions of rows). To do this, cut and paste the following script into a SQL query window focused on the AppVirt DB:

select count(*) from MESSAGE_LOGgoselect count(*) from APPLICATION_USAGEgo
If millions of rows are found in either table, backup the App-V database and truncate the tables using the following SQL script focused on the App-V Database. Please be aware that this will remove all data from both tables.

truncate table MESSAGE_LOGgotruncate table APPLICATION_USAGEgo

More Information

Troubleshooting SoftGrid Database Growth Issues: https://blogs.technet.com/b/appv/archive/2008/08/04/troubleshooting-softgrid-database-growth-issues.aspx

A Complete Guide to SQL 2008 App-V Database Migration: https://blogs.technet.com/b/appv/archive/2012/02/08/a-complete-guide-to-sql-2008-app-v-database-migration.aspx


For the most current version of this article please see the following:

2760974 - Deleting a package in Microsoft Application Virtualization fails with Error code 0000B005

J.C. Hornbeck | Knowledge Engineer | Management and Security Division

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