
App-V: New command line for running CMD prompts inside the bubble

Ever wanted to open a command prompt for a Virtual Application without editing the package's OSD file?  In Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 you no longer have to edit the virtual apps OSD to get a command prompt, just run the following command in START -> RUN:

Sfttray.exe /exe cmd.exe "APPNAME"

This is great for running various utilities within the Virtual Apps user context like:

Regedit  - See the registry as the application sees it
Explorer  - Open and view the contents of the Q drive (see note below)

Note: To view the contents of the virtual drive using Explorer.exe, you will need to check the "Launch folder windows in a separate process" option in Explorer ->Tools ->Folder Options -> View then close and reopen Explorer.

One Caveat: This will not work with Process Monitor.  You will still need to edit the OSDs and use the prelaunch command string if you're wanting to use Process Monitor for troubleshooting.  See the Knowledge Base article below for more information:

KB939896 - How to use the Process Monitor tool to generate a log file for an application in the SoftGrid virtual environment

John Behneman | SoftGrid Support Engineer
