
A new App-V Knowledge Base article is available - KB969774


As you know, at Microsoft we are continually receiving feedback from customers and improving our products.  Part of this process is to review open issues and supply hotfixes as appropriate.  In line with this approach we release hotfixes on a regular basis.  These fixes later get rolled up into a Cumulative Update release (CU1 for example) or a Service Pack (SP), and then ultimately are included in the next major or minor version of the product.

Today, we have published a new Microsoft Application Virtualization KB article which describes a hotfix package that contains the latest post CU1 hotfixes for Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5.  The article title and link is below:

KB969774 - Hotfix Package 2 for Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 Cumulative Update 1: May 2009

Note, that this is not a required update but if you are seeing these behaviors in your environment it may be appropriate for you to test and apply this update.


J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
