
Unable to edit the connection string information in Excel 2003 Forms

Last week while i was trying to edit an Excel form based application to modify the connection string information , I felt like I was at a dead end for a few hours.  I was trying to edit the connection string to point the application to a different SQL Server. The Excel form application had that DSN based information hardcoded in it.

Spending a few valuable minutes talking to an Excel Expert , I learnt that in Excel 2003 form based application , there is no direct way to edit the Database Connection related information. Thank you "Addins" , there's one such addin available which can make life easier when working with those old excel 2003 files.

You can download the addin( ModifyQryPvtTbl.xla ) that i've attached in this post , hopefully this should save the trouble for all those Excel 2003 editors out there :)

Happy working ! 
