I don't understand if it's appropriate to ask here.
I apologize if I'm wrong.
Please let me know the appropriate place to post.
For now, here are the questions:
An existing SW application is an x86-based MFC/ATL desktop application.
I would like to run it on an actual Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (arm64) machine.
1.What should I install to create an application development environment for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (arm64)?
If you have any URLs that would be helpful, please let me know.
2.Is it possible to open an existing x86MFC/ATL project and build the arm64 version in the environment created in Question 1?
(with the assumption that you are only using standard libraries)
3.Even if you were able to build the arm64 version of the application in question 2, are there any runtimes that need to be installed on the actual machine?
Best Regards,
Koji Okuda
この質問はWindows / Windows 10 / PC のプロジェクションに投稿されましたが、内容から判断してこちらのカテゴリに移動いたしました。