Availability of Recall Feature for Copilot+ PCs in Japan (or any countries in the globe)

Kay O 0 評価のポイント

Since November last year, I heard that the Recall feature would gradually roll out in preview for the Dev Channel via the Windows Insider Program. I eagerly signed up for the Dev Channel and have been checking for updates daily, but there seems to be no sign of the feature becoming available.

Currently, I am using a Snapdragon-based Copilot+ PC in Japan (with my PC's region settings also set to Japan).

I’ve seen several articles from local tech news sites claiming they’ve tested the Recall feature. For example: PC Watch Article.

Microsoft's official blog mentioned that the release began with Build 26120.2510 and subsequent builds, including support for Snapdragon-based devices following AMD-based ones. Despite manually checking for updates every day, my version has already been updated to Build 26120.2705. However, Windows Update mostly delivers antivirus updates, leaving me disappointed daily.

I’d appreciate it if anyone could share insights on whether this could be a settings issue on my end, or if anyone in Japan (or any countries in the globe) has successfully started using the feature, along with the steps they took.

Additionally, if anyone else is experiencing the same situation or has similar expectations but is unable to access the feature, please let me know.

パーソナル コンピューター、タブレット、ノート PC、電話、モノのインターネット デバイス、自己完結型 Mixed Reality ヘッドセット、大規模なコラボレーション画面、その他のデバイスにわたって実行される Microsoft オペレーティング システムのファミリ。
100 件の質問
Windows 11
Windows 11
生産性、創造性、使いやすさを考慮して設計された Microsoft オペレーティング システム。
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