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Oggetti geometry XPS OM

In questo argomento viene fornito un esempio di uso delle interfacce correlate alla geometria in un ambiente XPS OM.

Creare una geometria rettangolare

Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene creato un oggetto geometry che descrive una forma rettangolare chiusa.

    HRESULT                         hr = S_OK;
    IXpsOMVisualCollection          *canvasVisuals = NULL;
    IXpsOMPath                      *pathSidebar = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometry                  *xpsGeometry = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometryFigure            *xpsFigure = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection  *xpsFigureCollection = NULL;
    IXpsOMSolidColorBrush           *sidebarBrush = NULL;

    XPS_POINT      startPoint;
    XPS_RECT       shape;

    // define the rectangle
    shape.x = 10.0f;
    shape.y = 10.0f;
    shape.height = 100.0f;
    shape.width = 200.0f;

    // set the start point
    startPoint.x = shape.x;
    startPoint.y = shape.y;

    // define the segment types to be straight lines
    XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE sidebarSegmentTypes[3] = {

    // define the points of the rectangular shape
    // other than the start point
    FLOAT sidebarSegmentData[6] = {
        shape.x,               shape.y + shape.height,
        shape.x + shape.width, shape.y + shape.height,
        shape.x + shape.width, shape.y

    // set the lines to be solid (not stroked)
    BOOL sidebarSegmentStrokes[3] = {

    // create the geometry figure interface
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometryFigure( &startPoint, &xpsFigure );

    // close the figure so that the last segment point is
    // connected to the start point
    hr = xpsFigure->SetIsClosed( TRUE );

    // set the shape to be filled by the fill brush
    hr = xpsFigure->SetIsFilled( TRUE );

    // set the segments using the information defined above
    hr = xpsFigure->SetSegments(

    // create a geometry using the figure just created
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometry(&xpsGeometry);

    // get a pointer to the figure collection
    hr = xpsGeometry->GetFigures(&xpsFigureCollection);

    // and add the figure of the rectangle to the geometry
    hr = xpsFigureCollection->Append(xpsFigure);

Per altre informazioni sull'aggiunta di segmenti a una figura geometry, vedere gli esempi di codice negli argomenti di riferimento al metodo IXpsOMGeometryFigure::GetSegmentData e IXpsOMGeometryFigure::SetSegments.

Interfaccia IXpsOMGeometry

Interfaccia IXpsOMGeometryFigure

Metodo IXpsOMGeometryFigure::GetSegmentData

Metodo IXpsOMGeometryFigure::SetSegments

Interfaccia IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection