Condividi tramite

Recupero di una stringa che descrive un filtro

Un'applicazione spesso deve visualizzare una stringa che descrive il formato corrente. Questa attività può essere eseguita facilmente con le funzioni acmFilterTagDetails e acmFilterDetails . Queste funzioni devono essere chiamate con il filtro o il tag di filtro appropriato. Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come usare queste funzioni.

#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include <msacm.h>

BOOL GetFilterDescription 
    LPWAVEFILTER  pwfltr, 
    LPTSTR        pszFilterTag, 
    DWORD         cchFilterTag, // Size of pszFilterTag buffer.
    LPTSTR        pszFilter,
    DWORD         cchFilter     // Size of pszFilter buffer.

    MMRESULT      mmr; 
    errno_t       errno;
    // Retrieve the name for the filter tag of the specified filter. 
    if (NULL != pszFilterTag) { 
        // Initialize all unused members of the ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS 
        // structure to zero. 
        memset(&aftd, 0, sizeof(aftd)); 
        // Fill in the required members of the ACMFILTERTAGDETAILS 
        // structure for the ACM_FILTERTAGDETAILSF_FILTERTAG query. 
        aftd.cbStruct = sizeof(aftd); 
        aftd.dwFilterTag = pwfltr->dwFilterTag; 
        // Ask the ACM to find the first available driver that 
        // supports the specified filter tag. 
        mmr = acmFilterTagDetails(NULL, &aftd, 
        if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mmr) { 
            // No ACM driver is available that supports the 
            // specified filter tag. 
            return FALSE; 
        // Copy the filter tag name into the calling application's 
        // buffer. 

        errno = wcscpy_s(pszFilterTag, cchFilterTag, aftd.szFilterTag); 
        if (errno != 0)
            return FALSE;
    // Retrieve the description of the attributes for the specified 
    // filter. 
    if (NULL != pszFilter) { 
        // Initialize all unused members of the ACMFILTERDETAILS 
        // structure to zero. 
        memset(&afd, 0, sizeof(afd)); 
        // Fill in the required members of the ACMFILTERDETAILS 
        // structure for the ACM_FILTERDETAILSF_FILTER query. 
        afd.cbStruct    = sizeof(afd); 
        afd.dwFilterTag = pwfltr->dwFilterTag; 
        afd.pwfltr      = pwfltr; 
        afd.cbwfltr     = pwfltr->cbStruct; 
        // Ask the ACM to find the first available driver that 
        // supports the specified filter. 
        mmr = acmFilterDetails(NULL, &afd, ACM_FILTERDETAILSF_FILTER); 
        if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mmr) { 
            // No ACM driver is available that supports the 
            // specified filter. 
            return FALSE; 
        // Copy the description string into the caller's buffer. 
        errno = wcscpy_s(pszFilter, cchFilter, afd.szFilter); 
        if (errno != 0)
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE; 