Esecuzione di query sugli oggetti di rete
L'esempio C# seguente recupera e visualizza informazioni sulla rete fisica e virtuale per il commutatore specificato. Questo codice è tratto dall'esempio di rete Hyper-V.
La sintassi della riga di comando per eseguire questo esempio è:
NetworkingSamples.exe EnumerateSwitchSwitchName
dove SwitchName è il nome dell'opzione per cui visualizzare le informazioni. Il nome del switch è contenuto nella proprietà Msvm_VirtualEthernetSwitch.ElementName.
namespace Microsoft.Samples.HyperV.Networking
using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Samples.HyperV.Common;
static class EnumerateSwitchSample
/// <summary>
/// The type of network connection for a switch.
/// </summary>
enum SwitchConnectionType
/// <summary>
/// The type of connection for a single port.
/// </summary>
enum PortConnectionType
/// <summary>
/// Container for information about a port.
/// </summary>
struct PortInfo
public PortConnectionType Type;
public string ConnectedName;
public List<NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType> FeatureList;
/// <summary>
/// Container for information about the switch.
/// </summary>
struct SwitchInfo
public string Name;
public SwitchConnectionType Type;
public List<PortInfo> PortList;
public List<NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType> SwitchFeatureList;
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates information about a switch and outputs it to the console. The information
/// enumerated includes: the connection type of the switch, the connected virtual machines,
/// and the features of the switch's ports.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="switchName">The name of the switch to enumerate.</param>
static void
string switchName)
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2");
// Initialize our SwitchInfo structure to hold information about the switch.
SwitchInfo ethernetSwitchInfo = new SwitchInfo();
ethernetSwitchInfo.Name = switchName;
ethernetSwitchInfo.Type = SwitchConnectionType.Private;
ethernetSwitchInfo.PortList = new List<PortInfo>();
ethernetSwitchInfo.SwitchFeatureList = new List<NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType>();
using (ManagementObject ethernetSwitch = NetworkingUtilities.FindEthernetSwitch(switchName, scope))
// Enumerate the switch's ports.
using (ManagementObjectCollection portCollection = ethernetSwitch.GetRelated("Msvm_EthernetSwitchPort",
null, null, null, null, false, null))
foreach (ManagementObject port in portCollection)
using (port)
// Initialize a PortInfo structure to hold information about this port.
PortInfo portInfo = new PortInfo();
portInfo.Type = PortConnectionType.Nothing;
portInfo.FeatureList = new List<NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType>();
// The port's connection settings are stored on its related
// Msvm_EthernetPortAllocationSettingData object.
using (ManagementObject portSettings = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(
null, null, null, null, false, null)))
// Determine the port's connection type.
portInfo.Type = DeterminePortType(portSettings);
if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.VirtualMachine)
// Get the name of the connected virtual machine.
using (ManagementObject virtualMachineSettings = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(
null, null, null, null, false, null)))
portInfo.ConnectedName = (string)virtualMachineSettings["ElementName"];
else if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.External)
// Get the name of the external connection.
using (ManagementObject externalAdapter = new ManagementObject(
portInfo.ConnectedName = (string)externalAdapter["ElementName"];
// Now determine which advanced properties are configured for this port.
// Each Feature has its own class definition and is related to the portSettings
// through the Msvm_EthernetPortSettingDataComponent association.
using (ManagementObjectCollection portFeatureCollection =
null, null, null, null, false, null))
foreach (ManagementObject portFeature in portFeatureCollection)
using (portFeature)
// Then enumerate the switch's features.
using (ManagementObject ethernetSwitchSetting = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(
null, null, null, null, false, null)))
using (ManagementObjectCollection switchFeatures = ethernetSwitchSetting.GetRelated(
null, null, null, null, false, null))
foreach (ManagementObject switchFeature in switchFeatures)
using (switchFeature)
// Now that we have enumerated all of the switch's ports, we can determine the
// switch's connection type.
ethernetSwitchInfo.Type = DetermineSwitchConnectionType(ethernetSwitchInfo.PortList);
// We now have all of the information we need - output it to the console.
/// <summary>
/// Determine the connection type of the port.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="portSettings">The port configuration object.</param>
/// <returns>The port's connection type.</returns>
static PortConnectionType
ManagementObject portSettings)
string[] hostResource = (string[])portSettings["HostResource"];
if (hostResource != null && hostResource.Length > 0)
ManagementPath hostResourcePath = new ManagementPath(hostResource[0]);
if (string.Equals(hostResourcePath.ClassName, "Msvm_ComputerSystem",
// The port is connected to the host computer system, which means that this
// is an internal connection.
return PortConnectionType.Internal;
else if (string.Equals(hostResourcePath.ClassName, "Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort",
// The port is connected to an external Ethernet adapter.
return PortConnectionType.External;
// If it wasn't connected to the internal or external network, determine if it
// is connected to a virtual machine.
string parent = (string)portSettings["Parent"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent))
ManagementPath parentPath = new ManagementPath(parent);
if (string.Equals(parentPath.ClassName, "Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(parentPath.ClassName, "Msvm_EmulatedEthernetPortSettingData",
return PortConnectionType.VirtualMachine;
// This port is not connected to anything.
return PortConnectionType.Nothing;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the type of the port feature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="portFeature">The port feature.</param>
/// <returns>The feature's type.</returns>
static NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType
ManagementObject portFeature)
NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Unknown;
string portFeatureClass = portFeature.Path.ClassName;
switch (portFeatureClass)
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortOffloadSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Offload;
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortVlanSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Vlan;
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortAclSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Acl;
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortBandwidthSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Bandwidth;
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortSecuritySettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Security;
case "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortProfileSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType.Profile;
return type;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the type of the switch feature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="switchFeature">The switch feature.</param>
/// <returns>The feature's type.</returns>
static NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType
ManagementObject switchFeature)
NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType type = NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType.Unknown;
string switchFeatureClass = switchFeature.Path.ClassName;
switch (switchFeatureClass)
case "Msvm_VirtualEthernetSwitchBandwidthSettingData":
type = NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType.Bandwidth;
return type;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the switch's connection type based upon the connection types of its ports.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="switchPorts">The switch's ports.</param>
/// <returns>The switch's connection type.</returns>
static SwitchConnectionType
List<PortInfo> switchPorts)
SwitchConnectionType type = SwitchConnectionType.Private;
bool internallyConnected = false;
bool externallyConnected = false;
// Loop through the switch's ports to see if there are any internal and/or external
// connections.
foreach (PortInfo portInfo in switchPorts)
if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.Internal)
internallyConnected = true;
else if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.External)
externallyConnected = true;
// Based on the internal and/or external connections of our ports, we can determine
// the switch's connection type.
if (internallyConnected && externallyConnected)
type = SwitchConnectionType.External;
else if (internallyConnected)
type = SwitchConnectionType.Internal;
else if (externallyConnected)
type = SwitchConnectionType.ExternalOnly;
return type;
/// <summary>
/// Outputs the information gathered on the switch to the console.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="switchInfo">The information gathered on the switch.</param>
static void
SwitchInfo switchInfo)
Console.WriteLine("Successfully enumerated the ports and port features of the switch '{0}'\n",
Console.WriteLine("The switch's connection type is:");
Console.WriteLine(" {0}\n", switchInfo.Type);
// If the switch is connected to an external network, output the name of the network.
if (switchInfo.Type == SwitchConnectionType.External ||
switchInfo.Type == SwitchConnectionType.ExternalOnly)
Console.WriteLine("The switch is connected to the following network:");
foreach (PortInfo portInfo in switchInfo.PortList)
if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.External)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", portInfo.ConnectedName);
// Output the virtual machines that are currently connected to this switch.
Console.WriteLine("The switch is connected to the following virtual machines:");
bool atLeastOneVirtualMachine = false;
foreach (string virtualMachineName in GetConnectedVirtualMachineList(switchInfo.PortList))
atLeastOneVirtualMachine = true;
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", virtualMachineName);
if (!atLeastOneVirtualMachine)
Console.WriteLine(" The switch is not connected to any virtual machines");
// Output the advanced features that have been configured for the switch.
Console.WriteLine("The switch has the following advanced features: ");
if (switchInfo.SwitchFeatureList.Count > 0)
foreach (NetworkingUtilities.SwitchFeatureType featureType in switchInfo.SwitchFeatureList)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", featureType.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" The switch has no advanced features");
// Now output information about features for each port.
Console.WriteLine("The switch is connected to {0} ports.", switchInfo.PortList.Count);
if (switchInfo.PortList.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Outputting port features for each port:\n");
int count = 1;
foreach (PortInfo portInfo in switchInfo.PortList)
switch (portInfo.Type)
case PortConnectionType.VirtualMachine:
Console.WriteLine(" Port {0} connected to virtual machine '{1}' has the following features:",
count, portInfo.ConnectedName);
case PortConnectionType.External:
Console.WriteLine(" Port {0} connected to the external network '{1}' has the following features:",
count, portInfo.ConnectedName);
case PortConnectionType.Internal:
Console.WriteLine(" Port {0} connected to the internal network has the following features:",
case PortConnectionType.Nothing:
Console.WriteLine(" Port {0} not connected to anything has the following features:",
if (portInfo.FeatureList.Count > 0)
foreach (NetworkingUtilities.PortFeatureType featureType in portInfo.FeatureList)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", featureType.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(" The port has no advanced features");
/// <summary>
/// Helper method called by OutputSwitchInfo in order to build up a sorted list of virtual
/// machine names that the switch is connected to.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="portList">The ports of the switch.</param>
/// <returns>The sorted list of virtual machines which are connected to the switch.</returns>
static IEnumerable<string>
List<PortInfo> portList)
// The SortedSet class will both sort the list of virtual machine names and
// ignore any duplicates.
SortedSet<string> virtualMachineNames = new SortedSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (PortInfo portInfo in portList)
if (portInfo.Type == PortConnectionType.VirtualMachine &&
return virtualMachineNames;
/// <summary>
/// Entry point for the EnumerateSwitch sample.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
internal static void
string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "/?")
Console.WriteLine("Usage: EnumerateSwitch SwitchName\n");
Console.WriteLine("Example: EnumerateSwitch MySwitch");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to enumerate the switch. Error message details:\n");