Esportazione della configurazione di una macchina virtuale
Gli esempi di C# e Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) seguenti illustrano l'esportazione della configurazione di una macchina virtuale. Gli esempi che mostrano l'esportazione di una macchina virtuale sono disponibili negli argomenti ExportSystemDefinition ed Esportazione di uno snapshot di una macchina virtuale .
Le utilità C# a cui si fa riferimento sono disponibili in Utilità comuni per gli esempi di virtualizzazione (V2).
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Management;
namespace HyperVSamples
class ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnlyClass
static string GetConfigOnlyVirtualSystemExportSettingDataInstance(ManagementScope scope)
ManagementPath settingPath = new ManagementPath("Msvm_VirtualSystemExportSettingData");
ManagementClass exportSettingDataClass = new ManagementClass(scope, settingPath, null);
ManagementObject exportSettingData = exportSettingDataClass.CreateInstance();
// Do not copy VHDs and AVHDs but copy the Snapshot configuration and Saved State information (Runtime information) if present
exportSettingData["CopySnapshotConfiguration"] = 0;
exportSettingData["CopyVmRuntimeInformation"] = true;
exportSettingData["CopyVmStorage"] = false;
exportSettingData["CreateVmExportSubdirectory"] = true;
string settingData = exportSettingData.GetText(TextFormat.CimDtd20);
return settingData;
static void ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnly(string vmName, string exportDirectory)
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2", null);
ManagementObject virtualSystemService = Utility.GetServiceObject(scope, "Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService");
ManagementBaseObject inParams = virtualSystemService.GetMethodParameters("ExportSystemDefinition");
ManagementObject vm = Utility.GetTargetComputer(vmName, scope);
inParams["ComputerSystem"] = vm.Path.Path;
if (!Directory.Exists(exportDirectory))
inParams["ExportDirectory"] = exportDirectory;
inParams["ExportSettingData"] = GetConfigOnlyVirtualSystemExportSettingDataInstance(scope);
ManagementBaseObject outParams = virtualSystemService.InvokeMethod("ExportSystemDefinition", inParams, null);
if ((UInt32)outParams["ReturnValue"] == ReturnCode.Started)
if (Utility.JobCompleted(outParams, scope))
Console.WriteLine("VM '{0}' were exported successfully.", vm["ElementName"]);
Console.WriteLine("Failed to export VM");
else if ((UInt32)outParams["ReturnValue"] == ReturnCode.Completed)
Console.WriteLine("VM '{0}' were exported successfully.", vm["ElementName"]);
Console.WriteLine("Export virtual system failed with error:{0}", outParams["ReturnValue"]);
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args != null && args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ExportSystemDefinition vmName exportDirectory");
ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnly(args[0], args[1]);
option explicit
dim objWMIService
dim managementService
dim fileSystem
const JobStarting = 3
const JobRunning = 4
const JobCompleted = 7
const wmiStarted = 4096
const wmiSuccessful = 0
' Main
Sub Main()
dim computer, objArgs, vmName, vm, exportDirectory
set fileSystem = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
computer = "."
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & computer & "\root\virtualization\v2")
set managementService = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService").ItemIndex(0)
set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 then
vmName = objArgs.Unnamed.Item(0)
exportDirectory = objArgs.Unnamed.Item(1)
WScript.Echo "usage: cscript ExportSystemDefinition.vbs vmName exportDirectoryName"
end if
set vm = GetComputerSystem(vmName)
if ExportSystemDefinition(vm, exportDirectory) then
WriteLog "Done"
WriteLog "ExportSystemDefinition Failed."
end if
End Sub
' Retrieve Msvm_VirtualComputerSystem from base on its ElementName
Function GetComputerSystem(vmElementName)
On Error Resume Next
dim query
query = Format1("select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem where ElementName = '{0}'", vmElementName)
set GetComputerSystem = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)
if (Err.Number <> 0) then
WriteLog Format1("Err.Number: {0}", Err.Number)
WriteLog Format1("Err.Description:{0}",Err.Description)
end if
End Function
' Export a virtual system
Function ExportSystemDefinition(computerSystem, exportDirectory)
dim objInParam, objOutParams
dim query
dim computer
dim exportSettingData
ExportSystemDefinition = false
if Not fileSystem.FolderExists(exportDirectory) then
end if
set objInParam = managementService.Methods_("ExportSystemDefinition").InParameters.SpawnInstance_()
objInParam.ComputerSystem = computerSystem.Path_.Path
query = Format1("ASSOCIATORS OF {{0}} WHERE resultClass = Msvm_VirtualSystemExportSettingData", computerSystem.Path_.Path)
set exportSettingData = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)
'Do not copy the VHDs and AVHDs, but copy the Saved state information and Snapshot configurations if present
exportSettingData.CopyVmStorage = false
exportSettingData.CopyVmRuntimeInformation = true
exportSettingData.CreateVmExportSubdirectory = true
exportSettingData.CopySnapshotConfiguration = 0
objInParam.ExportSettingData = exportSettingData.GetText_(1)
objInParam.ExportDirectory = exportDirectory
set objOutParams = managementService.ExecMethod_("ExportSystemDefinition", objInParam)
if objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiStarted then
if (WMIJobCompleted(objOutParams)) then
ExportSystemDefinition = true
end if
elseif (objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiSuccessful) then
ExportSystemDefinition = true
WriteLog Format1("ExportSystemDefinition failed with ReturnValue {0}", objOutParams.ReturnValue)
end if
End Function
' Handle wmi Job object
Function WMIJobCompleted(outParam)
dim WMIJob, jobState
set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)
WMIJobCompleted = true
jobState = WMIJob.JobState
while jobState = JobRunning or jobState = JobStarting
WriteLog Format1("In progress... {0}% completed.",WMIJob.PercentComplete)
set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)
jobState = WMIJob.JobState
if (jobState <> JobCompleted) then
WriteLog Format1("ErrorCode:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorCode)
WriteLog Format1("ErrorDescription:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorDescription)
WMIJobCompleted = false
end if
End Function
' Create the console log files.
Sub WriteLog(line)
dim fileStream
set fileStream = fileSystem.OpenTextFile(".\ExportSystemDefinitionLog.log", 8, true)
WScript.Echo line
fileStream.WriteLine line
End Sub
' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format2(myString, arg0, arg1)
Format2 = Format1(myString, arg0)
Format2 = Replace(Format2, "{1}", arg1)
End Function
' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format1(myString, arg0)
Format1 = Replace(myString, "{0}", arg0)
End Function