Condividi tramite

Creare applicazioni client

Gli argomenti seguenti illustrano come usare l'API Windows Biometric Framework per creare applicazioni client che usano pool di sensori privati.

Registrare le informazioni biometriche

Gli esempi di codice seguenti illustrano come registrare un modello biometrico nel pool di sistema.

Registrazione sincrona

L'esempio di codice seguente:

Per compilare questo esempio, collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT EnrollSysPool(
                      BOOL discardEnrollment, 
                      WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_SUBTYPE subFactor)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {0};
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;
    WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL rejectDetail = 0;
    BOOLEAN isNewTemplate = TRUE;

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioOpenSession failed. ");
        wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Locate a sensor.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe your finger on the sensor...\n");
    hr = WinBioLocateSensor( sessionHandle, &unitId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensor failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Begin the enrollment sequence. 
    wprintf_s(L"\n Starting enrollment sequence...\n");
    hr = WinBioEnrollBegin(
            sessionHandle,      // Handle to open biometric session
            subFactor,          // Finger to create template for
            unitId              // Biometric unit ID
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollBegin failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Capture enrollment information by swiping the sensor with
    // the finger identified by the subFactor argument in the 
    // WinBioEnrollBegin function.
    for (int swipeCount = 1;; ++swipeCount)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe the sensor to capture %s sample.",
                 (swipeCount == 1)?L"the first":L"another");

        hr = WinBioEnrollCapture(
                sessionHandle,  // Handle to open biometric session
                &rejectDetail   // [out] Failure information

        wprintf_s(L"\n Sample %d captured from unit number %d.", 

        if (hr == WINBIO_I_MORE_DATA)
            wprintf_s(L"\n    More data required.\n");
        if (FAILED(hr))
            if (hr == WINBIO_E_BAD_CAPTURE)
                wprintf_s(L"\n  Error: Bad capture; reason: %d", 
                wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollCapture failed. hr = 0x%x", hr);
                goto e_Exit;
            wprintf_s(L"\n    Template completed.\n");

    // Discard the enrollment if the appropriate flag is set.
    // Commit the enrollment if it is not discarded.
    if (discardEnrollment == TRUE)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Discarding enrollment...\n\n");
        hr = WinBioEnrollDiscard( sessionHandle );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensor failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;    
        wprintf_s(L"\n Committing enrollment...\n");
        hr = WinBioEnrollCommit( 
                sessionHandle,      // Handle to open biometric session
                &identity,          // WINBIO_IDENTITY object for the user
                &isNewTemplate);    // Is this a new template

        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollCommit failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto e_Exit;

    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L" Press any key to continue...");

    return hr;

Registrazione asincrona

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama WinBioOpenSession per aprire una sessione biometrica e connettersi al pool di sistema.
  • Chiama WinBioLocateSensor per individuare un'unità biometrica.
  • Chiama WinBioEnrollBegin per avviare la sequenza di registrazione.
  • Chiama WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback per elaborare più scorrimenti di dito. Questa funzione è asincrona e usa una funzione di callback personalizzata per continuare l'elaborazione in un thread separato. Di seguito è riportata una funzione di callback di esempio.
  • Chiama WinBioWait per attendere il completamento o l'annullamento del processo di registrazione asincrona.
  • Chiama WinBioEnrollCommit per salvare il modello.

Collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib per compilare questo esempio.

// EnrollSystemPoolWithCallback.cpp : Entry point for the application.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <winbio.h>

// Forward declarations.
HRESULT EnrollSysPoolWithCallback(
                      BOOL bCancel,
                      BOOL bDiscard,
                      WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_SUBTYPE subFactor);

VOID CALLBACK EnrollCaptureCallback(
                      __in_opt PVOID EnrollCallbackContext,
                      __in HRESULT OperationStatus,
                      __in WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL RejectDetail);


int wmain()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    hr = EnrollSysPoolWithCallback(

    return 0;

// The following function enrolls a user's fingerprint in the system pool.
// The function calls WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback and waits for the
// asynchronous enrollment process to be completed or canceled.
HRESULT EnrollSysPoolWithCallback(
                      BOOL bCancel,
                      BOOL bDiscard,
                      WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_SUBTYPE subFactor)
    // Declare variables
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {0};
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;
    BOOLEAN isNewTemplate = TRUE;
    ENROLL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT callbackContext = {0};

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnumBiometricUnits failed. ");
        wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Locate the sensor.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe your finger to locate the sensor...\n");
    hr = WinBioLocateSensor( sessionHandle, &unitId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensor failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Begin the enrollment sequence. 
    hr = WinBioEnrollBegin(
            sessionHandle,      // Handle to open biometric session
            subFactor,          // Finger to create template for
            unitId              // Biometric unit ID
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollBegin failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Set up the custom callback context structure.
    callbackContext.SessionHandle = sessionHandle;
    callbackContext.UnitId = unitId;
    callbackContext.SubFactor = subFactor;

    // Call WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback. This is an asynchronous
    // method that returns immediately.
    hr = WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback(
            sessionHandle,          // Handle to open biometric session
            EnrollCaptureCallback,  // Callback function
            &callbackContext        // Pointer to the custom context
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback failed. ");
        wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe the sensor with the appropriate finger...\n");

    // Cancel the enrollment if the bCancel flag is set.
    if (bCancel)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Starting CANCEL timer...\n");
        Sleep( 7000 );

        wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioCancel\n");
        hr = WinBioCancel( sessionHandle );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioCancel failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto e_Exit;

    // Wait for the asynchronous enrollment process to complete
    // or be canceled.
    hr = WinBioWait( sessionHandle );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioWait failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);

    // Discard the enrollment if the bDiscard flag is set.
    // Commit the enrollment if the flag is not set.
    if (bDiscard)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Discarding enrollment...\n");
        hr = WinBioEnrollDiscard( sessionHandle );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensor failed. ");
            wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;    
        wprintf_s(L"\n Committing enrollment...\n");
        hr = WinBioEnrollCommit( 
                sessionHandle,      // Handle to open biometric session
                &identity,          // WINBIO_IDENTITY object for the user
                &isNewTemplate);    // Is this a new template

        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnrollCommit failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto e_Exit;

    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Press any key to exit...");

    return hr;

// The following function is the callback for the Windows Biometric
// Framework WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback() function. 
VOID CALLBACK EnrollCaptureCallback(
    __in_opt PVOID EnrollCallbackContext,
    __in HRESULT OperationStatus,
    __in WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL RejectDetail
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK; 
    static SIZE_T swipeCount = 1;

    PENROLL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT callbackContext = 

    wprintf_s(L"\n EnrollCaptureCallback executing\n");
    wprintf_s(L"\n Sample %d captured", swipeCount++);

    // The capture was not acceptable or the enrollment operation
    // failed.
    if (FAILED(OperationStatus))
        if (OperationStatus == WINBIO_E_BAD_CAPTURE)
            wprintf_s(L"\n Bad capture; reason: %d\n", RejectDetail);
            wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe your finger to capture another sample.\n");

            // Try again.
            hr = WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback(
                    callbackContext->SessionHandle, // Open session handle
                    EnrollCaptureCallback,          // Callback function
                    EnrollCallbackContext           // Callback context
            if (FAILED(hr))
                wprintf_s(L"WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback failed.");
                wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            wprintf_s(L"EnrollCaptureCallback failed.");
            wprintf_s(L"OperationStatus = 0x%x\n", OperationStatus);
        goto e_Exit;

    // The enrollment operation requires more fingerprint swipes.
    // This is normal and depends on your hardware. Typically, at least
    // three swipes are required.
    if (OperationStatus == WINBIO_I_MORE_DATA)
        wprintf_s(L"\n More data required.");
        wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe your finger on the sensor again.");

        hr = WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback(
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"WinBioEnrollCaptureWithCallback failed. ");
            wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Template completed\n");



Individuare le unità biometriche

Gli esempi di codice seguenti illustrano come individuare un'unità biometrica installata.

Individuare le unità biometriche in modo sincrono

L'esempio di codice seguente:

Per compilare questo esempio, collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT LocateSensor( )
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioEnumBiometricUnits failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Locate the sensor.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Tap the sensor once...\n");
    hr = WinBioLocateSensor( sessionHandle, &unitId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensor failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Sensor located successfully. ");
    wprintf_s(L"\n Unit ID = %d \n", unitId);

    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Hit any key to exit...");

    return hr;

Individuare le unità biometriche in modo asincrono

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama WinBioOpenSession per aprire una sessione biometrica e connettersi al pool di sistema.
  • Chiama WinBioLocateSensorWithCallback per individuare un sensore biometrico. Si tratta di una funzione asincrona che configura il sottosistema biometrico per individuare il sensore in un altro thread. L'output del sottosistema biometrico viene inviato a una funzione di callback personalizzata, denominata LocateSensorCallback.
  • Chiama WinBioWait per attendere il completamento o l'annullamento del processo asincrono.

Per compilare questo esempio, collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT LocateSensorWithCallback(BOOL bCancel)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioOpenSession failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioLocateSensorWithCallback.");
    hr = WinBioLocateSensorWithCallback(
                sessionHandle,          // Open biometric session
                LocateSensorCallback,   // Callback function
                NULL                    // Optional context
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioLocateSensorWithCallback failed.");
        wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe the sensor ...\n");

    // Cancel the identification if the bCancel flag is set.
    if (bCancel)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Starting CANCEL timer...\n");
        Sleep( 7000 );

        wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioCancel\n");
        hr = WinBioCancel( sessionHandle );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioCancel failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto e_Exit;

    // Wait for the asynchronous identification process to complete 
    // or be canceled.
    hr = WinBioWait( sessionHandle );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioWait failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);


    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
       wprintf_s(L"\n Closing the session.\n");

        hr = WinBioCloseSession(sessionHandle);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioCloseSession failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Hit any key to exit...");

    return hr;

// The following function is the callback for 
// WinBioLocateSensorWithCallback. The function filters the response 
// from the biometric subsystem and writes a result to the console window.
VOID CALLBACK LocateSensorCallback(
    __in_opt PVOID LocateCallbackContext,
    __in HRESULT OperationStatus,
    __in WINBIO_UNIT_ID UnitId

    wprintf_s(L"\n LocateSensorCallback executing.");

    // A sensor could not be located.
    if (FAILED(OperationStatus))
        wprintf_s(L"\n LocateSensorCallback failed.");
        wprintf_s(L"OperationStatus = 0x%x\n", OperationStatus);
    // A sensor was located.
        wprintf_s(L"\n Selected unit ID: %d\n", UnitId);

Verificare l'identità utente

Verifica sincrona

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama WinBioOpenSession per aprire una sessione biometrica e connettersi al pool di sistema.
  • Chiama WinBioVerify per determinare se un campione biometrico corrisponde all'identità registrata dell'utente corrente.

Per compilare questo esempio, collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;
    WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL rejectDetail = 0;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {0};
    BOOLEAN match = FALSE;

    // Find the identity of the user.
    hr = GetCurrentUserIdentity( &identity );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n User identity not found. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioOpenSession failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Verify a biometric sample.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioVerify - Swipe finger on sensor...\n");
    hr = WinBioVerify( 
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe processed - Unit ID: %d\n", unitId);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (hr == WINBIO_E_NO_MATCH)
            wprintf_s(L"\n- NO MATCH - identity verification failed.\n");
        else if (hr == WINBIO_E_BAD_CAPTURE)
            wprintf_s(L"\n- Bad capture; reason: %d\n", rejectDetail);
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioVerify failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Fingerprint verified:\n", unitId);

    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Press any key to exit...");

    return hr;

// The following function retrieves the identity of the current user.
// This is a helper function and is not part of the Windows Biometric
// Framework API.
HRESULT GetCurrentUserIdentity(__inout PWINBIO_IDENTITY Identity)
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL;
    DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
        TOKEN_USER tokenUser;
    } tokenInfoBuffer;

    // Zero the input identity and specify the type.
    ZeroMemory( Identity, sizeof(WINBIO_IDENTITY));
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_NULL;

    // Open the access token associated with the
    // current process
    if (!OpenProcessToken(
            GetCurrentProcess(),            // Process handle
            TOKEN_READ,                     // Read access only
            &tokenHandle))                  // Access token handle
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot open token handle: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Zero the tokenInfoBuffer structure.
    ZeroMemory(&tokenInfoBuffer, sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer));

    // Retrieve information about the access token. In this case,
    // retrieve a SID.
    if (!GetTokenInformation(
            tokenHandle,                    // Access token handle
            TokenUser,                      // User for the token
            &tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser,     // Buffer to fill
            sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer),        // Size of the buffer
            &bytesReturned))                // Size needed
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot query token information: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Copy the SID from the tokenInfoBuffer structure to the
    // WINBIO_IDENTITY structure. 

    // Specify the size of the SID and assign WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID
    // to the type member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure.
    Identity->Value.AccountSid.Size = GetLengthSid(tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser.User.Sid);
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;


    if (tokenHandle != NULL)

    return hr;

Verifica asincrona

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama WinBioOpenSession per aprire una sessione biometrica e connettersi al pool di sistema.
  • Chiama WinBioVerifyWithCallback per determinare se un campione biometrico corrisponde all'identità registrata dell'utente corrente. Si tratta di una funzione asincrona che configura il sottosistema biometrico per verificare l'utente in un altro thread. L'output del sottosistema biometrico viene inviato a una funzione di callback personalizzata, denominata VerifyCallback.
  • Chiama WinBioWait per attendere il completamento o l'annullamento del processo asincrono.

Per compilare questo esempio, collegarsi alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT VerifyWithCallback(BOOL bCancel, WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_SUBTYPE subFactor)
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_UNIT_ID unitId = 0;
    WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL rejectDetail = 0;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {0};

    // Find the identity of the user.
    hr = GetCurrentUserIdentity( &identity );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n User identity not found. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Connect to the system pool. 
    hr = WinBioOpenSession( 
            WINBIO_TYPE_FINGERPRINT,    // Service provider
            WINBIO_POOL_SYSTEM,         // Pool type
            WINBIO_FLAG_DEFAULT,        // Configuration and access
            NULL,                       // Array of biometric unit IDs
            0,                          // Count of biometric unit IDs
            NULL,                       // Database ID
            &sessionHandle              // [out] Session handle
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioOpenSession failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Verify a biometric sample asynchronously.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioVerifyWithCallback.\n");
    hr = WinBioVerifyWithCallback(
            sessionHandle,              // Open session handle
            &identity,                  // User SID or GUID
            subFactor,                  // Sample sub-factor
            VerifyCallback,             // Callback function
            NULL                        // Optional context
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioVerifyWithCallback failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe the sensor ...\n");

    // Cancel the identification if the bCancel flag is set.
    if (bCancel)
        wprintf_s(L"\n Starting CANCEL timer...\n");
        Sleep( 7000 );

        wprintf_s(L"\n Calling WinBioCancel\n");
        hr = WinBioCancel( sessionHandle );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioCancel failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
            goto e_Exit;

    // Wait for the asynchronous identification process to complete 
    // or be canceled.
    hr = WinBioWait( sessionHandle );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioWait failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);

    if (sessionHandle != NULL)
        sessionHandle = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Hit any key to continue...");

    return hr;

// The following function is the callback for WinBioVerifyWithCallback.
// The function filters the response from the biometric subsystem and 
// writes a result to the console window.
VOID CALLBACK VerifyCallback(
  __in_opt PVOID VerifyCallbackContext,
  __in HRESULT OperationStatus,
  __in WINBIO_UNIT_ID UnitId,
  __in BOOLEAN Match,
  __in WINBIO_REJECT_DETAIL RejectDetail

    wprintf_s(L"\n VerifyCallback executing");
    wprintf_s(L"\n Swipe processed for unit ID %d\n", UnitId);

    // The identity could not be verified.
    if (FAILED(OperationStatus))
        wprintf_s(L"\n Verification failed for the following reason:");
        if (OperationStatus == WINBIO_E_NO_MATCH)
            wprintf_s(L"\n No match.\n");
        else if (OperationStatus == WINBIO_E_BAD_CAPTURE)
            wprintf_s(L"\n Bad capture.\n ");
            wprintf_s(L"\n Bad capture; reason: %d\n", RejectDetail);
            wprintf_s(L"VerifyCallback failed.");
            wprintf_s(L"OperationStatus = 0x%x\n", OperationStatus); 
        goto e_Exit;

    // The user identity was verified.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Fingerprint verified:\n");


// The following function retrieves the identity of the current user.
// This is a helper function and is not part of the Windows Biometric
// Framework API.
HRESULT GetCurrentUserIdentity(__inout PWINBIO_IDENTITY Identity)
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL;
    DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
        TOKEN_USER tokenUser;
    } tokenInfoBuffer;

    // Zero the input identity and specify the type.
    ZeroMemory( Identity, sizeof(WINBIO_IDENTITY));
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_NULL;

    // Open the access token associated with the
    // current process
    if (!OpenProcessToken(
            GetCurrentProcess(),            // Process handle
            TOKEN_READ,                     // Read access only
            &tokenHandle))                  // Access token handle
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot open token handle: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Zero the tokenInfoBuffer structure.
    ZeroMemory(&tokenInfoBuffer, sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer));

    // Retrieve information about the access token. In this case,
    // retrieve a SID.
    if (!GetTokenInformation(
            tokenHandle,                    // Access token handle
            TokenUser,                      // User for the token
            &tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser,     // Buffer to fill
            sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer),        // Size of the buffer
            &bytesReturned))                // Size needed
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot query token information: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Copy the SID from the tokenInfoBuffer structure to the
    // WINBIO_IDENTITY structure. 

    // Specify the size of the SID and assign WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID
    // to the type member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure.
    Identity->Value.AccountSid.Size = GetLengthSid(tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser.User.Sid);
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;


    if (tokenHandle != NULL)

    return hr;

Gestire le credenziali

Il provider di credenziali e il gestore delle credenziali sono componenti di Windows Biometric Framework. Il provider recupera le credenziali utente dall'archivio sicuro e risponde alle richieste di accesso, sblocco, modifica della password e elevazione dell'account utente. Risponde anche durante un passaggio rapido dell'utente per accedere al nuovo utente. Il manager esegue il mapping delle credenziali di accesso alle identità biometriche e archivia in modo sicuro le credenziali. I mapping vengono in genere creati da applicazioni di registrazione di terze parti durante la registrazione biometrica, ma possono anche essere creati dal provider di credenziali biometriche di Windows durante l'accesso se l'utente registrato tenta di autenticarsi biometricamente, ma non è registrato o le credenziali non corrispondono a quelle nell'archivio sicuro.

Linee guida per le API di Gestione credenziali

  • Le credenziali non possono essere archiviate, sottoposte a query o eliminate per gli account amministratore guest o predefiniti o per qualsiasi account non interattivo, ad esempio LocalSystem, LocalService o NetworkService.
  • Tutte le funzioni restituiscono un codice di errore HRESULT che può essere un codice di errore comune, ad esempio E_ACCESSDENIED o un errore specifico per la gestione delle credenziali, ad esempio WINBIO_E_UNKNOWN_ID.
  • Se appropriato, vengono restituiti E_ACCESSDENIED prima che vengano restituiti codici di errore più specifici, ad esempio SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED o WINBIO_E_UNKNOWN_ID.
  • Gli utenti con privilegi non elevati possono impostare, eseguire query o rimuovere le credenziali solo per il proprio account. I chiamanti con privilegi elevati possono eseguire query sullo stato delle credenziali e rimuovere le credenziali per altri utenti.
  • Tutte le funzioni avranno esito negativo e restituiranno WINBIO_E_CRED_PROV_DISABLED:
    • Per tutti gli utenti quando il provider di credenziali non è abilitato a livello di sistema.
    • Per gli utenti di dominio quando il provider non è abilitato per l'uso del dominio.
  • Quando viene aggiunta o rimossa una credenziale, viene generato un avviso di evento.

Impostare una credenziale

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama GetCurrentUserIdentity per recuperare un oggetto WINBIO_IDENTITY per l'utente corrente. GetCurrentUserIdentity è una funzione helper e non fa parte di Windows Biometric Framework.
  • Chiama la funzione helper GetCredentials per recuperare una matrice di byte contenente le informazioni di autenticazione. GetCredentials visualizza una finestra di dialogo che richiede all'utente le credenziali.
  • Chiama WinBioSetCredential per salvare le credenziali nell'archivio.

Per compilare questo collegamento di funzione alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Wincred.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT SetCredential()
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    ULONG   ulAuthPackage = 0;
    PVOID   pvAuthBlob = NULL;
    ULONG   cbAuthBlob = 0;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity;
    PSID pSid = NULL;

    // Find the identity of the user.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Finding user identity.\n");
    hr = GetCurrentUserIdentity( &identity );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n User identity not found. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        return hr;

    // Set a pointer to the security descriptor for the user.
    pSid = identity.Value.AccountSid.Data;

    // Retrieve a byte array that contains credential information.
    hr = GetCredentials(pSid, &pvAuthBlob, &cbAuthBlob);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n GetCredentials failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Set the credentials.
    hr = WinBioSetCredential(
            WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD,     // Type of credential.
            (PUCHAR)pvAuthBlob,             // Credentials byte array
            cbAuthBlob,                     // Size of credentials
            WINBIO_PASSWORD_PACKED);        // Credentials format

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"\n WinBioSetCredential failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;
    wprintf_s(L"\n Credentials successfully set.\n");

    // Delete the authentication byte array.
    if (NULL != pvAuthBlob)
        SecureZeroMemory(pvAuthBlob, cbAuthBlob);
        pvAuthBlob = NULL;

    wprintf_s(L"\n Press any key to exit...");

    return hr;


// The following function displays a dialog box to prompt a user
// for credentials.
HRESULT GetCredentials(PSID pSid, PVOID* ppvAuthBlob, ULONG* pcbAuthBlob)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    DWORD   dwResult;
    WCHAR   szUsername[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    DWORD   cchUsername = ARRAYSIZE(szUsername);
    WCHAR   szPassword[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    WCHAR   szDomain[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    DWORD   cchDomain = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain);
    WCHAR   szDomainAndUser[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    DWORD   cchDomainAndUser = ARRAYSIZE(szDomainAndUser);
    PVOID   pvInAuthBlob = NULL;
    ULONG   cbInAuthBlob = 0;
    PVOID   pvAuthBlob = NULL;
    ULONG   cbAuthBlob = 0;
    ULONG   ulAuthPackage = 0;
    BOOL    fSave = FALSE;

           L"Enter your current password to enable biometric logon.";

           L"Biometric Log On Enrollment";

    if (NULL == pSid || NULL == ppvAuthBlob || NULL == pcbAuthBlob)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Retrieve the user name and domain name.
    SID_NAME_USE    SidUse;
    DWORD           cchTmpUsername = cchUsername;
    DWORD           cchTmpDomain = cchDomain;

    if (!LookupAccountSidW(
              NULL,             // Local computer
              pSid,             // Security identifier for user
              szUsername,       // User name
              &cchTmpUsername,  // Size of user name
              szDomain,         // Domain name
              &cchTmpDomain,    // Size of domain name
              &SidUse))         // Account type
        dwResult = GetLastError();
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwResult);
        wprintf_s(L"\n LookupAccountSidLocalW failed: hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        return hr;

    // Combine the domain and user names.

    // Call CredPackAuthenticationBufferW once to determine the size,
    // in bytes, of the authentication buffer.
    if (!CredPackAuthenticationBufferW(
              0,                // Reserved
              szDomainAndUser,  // Domain\User name
              szPassword,       // User Password
              NULL,             // Packed credentials
              &cbInAuthBlob)    // Size, in bytes, of credentials
        && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
            dwResult = GetLastError();
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwResult);
            wprintf_s(L"\n CredPackAuthenticationBufferW (1) failed: ");
            wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);

    // Allocate memory for the input buffer.
    pvInAuthBlob = CoTaskMemAlloc(cbInAuthBlob);
    if (!pvInAuthBlob)
        cbInAuthBlob = 0;
        wprintf_s(L"\n CoTaskMemAlloc() Out of memory.\n");

    // Call CredPackAuthenticationBufferW again to retrieve the
    // authentication buffer.
    if (!CredPackAuthenticationBufferW(
        dwResult = GetLastError();
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwResult);
        wprintf_s(L"\n CredPackAuthenticationBufferW (2) failed: ");
        wprintf_s(L"hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Display a dialog box to request credentials.
    ui.cbSize = sizeof(ui);
    ui.hwndParent = GetConsoleWindow();
    ui.hbmBanner = NULL;

    dwResult = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentialsW(
                   &ui,             // Customizing information
                   0,               // Error code to display
                   &ulAuthPackage,  // Authorization package
                   pvInAuthBlob,    // Credential byte array
                   cbInAuthBlob,    // Size of credential input buffer
                   &pvAuthBlob,     // Output credential byte array
                   &cbAuthBlob,     // Size of credential byte array
                   &fSave,          // Select the save check box.
                   CREDUIWIN_IN_CRED_ONLY |
    if (dwResult != NO_ERROR)
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwResult);
        wprintf_s(L"\n CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials failed: ");
        wprintf_s(L"0x%08x\n", dwResult);
        goto e_Exit;

    *ppvAuthBlob = pvAuthBlob;
    *pcbAuthBlob = cbAuthBlob;

    // Delete the input authentication byte array.
    if (pvInAuthBlob)
        SecureZeroMemory(pvInAuthBlob, cbInAuthBlob);
        pvInAuthBlob = NULL;

    return hr;

// The following function retrieves the identity of the current user.
// This is a helper function and is not part of the Windows Biometric
// Framework API.
HRESULT GetCurrentUserIdentity(__inout PWINBIO_IDENTITY Identity)
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL;
    DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
        TOKEN_USER tokenUser;
    } tokenInfoBuffer;

    // Zero the input identity and specify the type.
    ZeroMemory( Identity, sizeof(WINBIO_IDENTITY));
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_NULL;

    // Open the access token associated with the
    // current process
    if (!OpenProcessToken(
            GetCurrentProcess(),            // Process handle
            TOKEN_READ,                     // Read access only
            &tokenHandle))                  // Access token handle
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot open token handle: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Zero the tokenInfoBuffer structure.
    ZeroMemory(&tokenInfoBuffer, sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer));

    // Retrieve information about the access token. In this case,
    // retrieve a SID.
    if (!GetTokenInformation(
            tokenHandle,                    // Access token handle
            TokenUser,                      // User for the token
            &tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser,     // Buffer to fill
            sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer),        // Size of the buffer
            &bytesReturned))                // Size needed
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot query token information: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Copy the SID from the tokenInfoBuffer structure to the
    // WINBIO_IDENTITY structure. 

    // Specify the size of the SID and assign WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID
    // to the type member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure.
    Identity->Value.AccountSid.Size = GetLengthSid(tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser.User.Sid);
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;


    if (tokenHandle != NULL)

    return hr;

Rimuovere una credenziale

L'esempio di codice seguente:

  • Chiama GetCurrentUserIdentity per recuperare un oggetto WINBIO_IDENTITY per l'utente corrente. GetCurrentUserIdentity è una funzione helper e non fa parte di Windows Biometric Framework.
  • Chiama WinBioRemoveCredential per eliminare le credenziali dall'archivio.

Per compilare questo collegamento di funzione alla libreria statica Winbio.lib e includere i file di intestazione seguenti:

  • Windows.h
  • Stdio.h
  • Conio.h
  • Winbio.h
HRESULT RemoveCredential()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WINBIO_IDENTITY identity;

    // Find the identity of the user.
    wprintf_s(L"\n Finding user identity.\n");
    hr = GetCurrentUserIdentity( &identity );
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"\n User identity not found. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Remove the user credentials.
    hr = WinBioRemoveCredential(identity, WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD);
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"\n WinBioRemoveCredential failed. hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto e_Exit;

    wprintf_s(L"\n User credentials successfully removed.\n");


    wprintf_s(L"\n Press any key to exit...");

    return hr;

// The following function retrieves the identity of the current user.
// This is a helper function and is not part of the Windows Biometric
// Framework API.
HRESULT GetCurrentUserIdentity(__inout PWINBIO_IDENTITY Identity)
    // Declare variables.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL;
    DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
        TOKEN_USER tokenUser;
    } tokenInfoBuffer;

    // Zero the input identity and specify the type.
    ZeroMemory( Identity, sizeof(WINBIO_IDENTITY));
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_NULL;

    // Open the access token associated with the
    // current process
    if (!OpenProcessToken(
            GetCurrentProcess(),            // Process handle
            TOKEN_READ,                     // Read access only
            &tokenHandle))                  // Access token handle
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot open token handle: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Zero the tokenInfoBuffer structure.
    ZeroMemory(&tokenInfoBuffer, sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer));

    // Retrieve information about the access token. In this case,
    // retrieve a SID.
    if (!GetTokenInformation(
            tokenHandle,                    // Access token handle
            TokenUser,                      // User for the token
            &tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser,     // Buffer to fill
            sizeof(tokenInfoBuffer),        // Size of the buffer
            &bytesReturned))                // Size needed
        DWORD win32Status = GetLastError();
        wprintf_s(L"Cannot query token information: %d\n", win32Status);
        hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(win32Status);
        goto e_Exit;

    // Copy the SID from the tokenInfoBuffer structure to the
    // WINBIO_IDENTITY structure. 

    // Specify the size of the SID and assign WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID
    // to the type member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure.
    Identity->Value.AccountSid.Size = GetLengthSid(tokenInfoBuffer.tokenUser.User.Sid);
    Identity->Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;


    if (tokenHandle != NULL)

    return hr;