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Show the camera preview in a WinUI 3 app

In this quickstart, you will learn how to create a basic WinUI 3 camera app that displays the camera preview. In a WinUI 3 app, you use the MediaPlayerElement control in the Microsot.UI.Xaml.Controls namespace to render the camera preview and the WinRT class MediaCapture to access the device's camera preview stream. MediaCapture provides APIs for performing a wide range of camera-related tasks such as such as capturing photos and videos and configuring the camera's device driver. See the other articles in this section for details about other MediaCapture features.

The code in this walkthrough is adapted from the MediaCapture WinUI 3 sample on github.


For the UWP version of this article, see Display the camera preview in the UWP documentation.


  • Your device must have developer mode enabled. For more information see Enable your device for development.
  • Visual Studio 2022 or later with the Windows application development workload.

Create a new WinUI 3 app

In Visual Studio, create a new project. In the Create a new project dialog, set the language filter to "C#" and the platform filter to "Windows", then select the "Blank App, Packaged (WinUI 3 in desktop)" project template.

Create the UI

The simple UI for this example includes a MediaPlayerElement control for displaying the camera preview, a ComboBox that allows you to select from the device's cameras, and buttons for initializing the MediaCapture class, starting and stopping the camera preview, and reseting the sample. We also include a TextBlock for displaying status messages.

In your project's MainWindow.xml file, replace the default StackPanel control with the following XAML.

<Grid ColumnDefinitions="4*,*" ColumnSpacing="4">
    <MediaPlayerElement x:Name="mpePreview" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"  AreTransportControlsEnabled="False" ManipulationMode="None"/>
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"  Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"  VerticalAlignment="Top">
        <TextBlock Text="Status:" Margin="0,0,10,0"/>
        <TextBlock x:Name="tbStatus" Text=""/>
        <TextBlock Text="Preview Source:" Margin="0,0,10,0"/>
        <ComboBox x:Name="cbDeviceList" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" SelectionChanged="cbDeviceList_SelectionChanged"></ComboBox>
        <Button x:Name="bStartMediaCapture" Content="Initialize MediaCapture" IsEnabled="False" Click="bStartMediaCapture_Click"/>
        <Button x:Name="bStartPreview" Content="Start preview" IsEnabled="False" Click="bStartPreview_Click"/>
        <Button x:Name="bStopPreview" Content="Stop preview" IsEnabled="False" Click="bStopPreview_Click"/>
        <Button x:Name="bReset" Content="Reset" Click="bReset_Click" />

Update the MainWindow class definition

The rest of the code in this article will be added to the MainWindow class definition in your project's MainWindow.xaml.cs file. First, add a few class variables that will persist throughout the lifetime of the window. These variables include:

  • A DeviceInformationCollection that will store a DeviceInformation object for each available camera. The DeviceInformation object conveys information such as the unique identifier and the friendly name for the camera.
  • A MediaCapture object that handles interactions with the selected camera's driver and allows you to retrieve the camera's video stream.
  • A MediaFrameSource object that represents a source of media frames, such as a video stream.
  • A boolean to track when the camera preview is running. Some camera settings can't be changed while the preview is running, so it's a good practice to track the state of the camera preview.
private DeviceInformationCollection m_deviceList;
private MediaCapture m_mediaCapture;
private MediaFrameSource m_frameSource;
private MediaPlayer m_mediaPlayer;
private bool m_isPreviewing;

Populate the list of available cameras

Next we'll create a helper method to detect the cameras that are present on the current device and populate the ComboBox in the UI with the camera names, allowing the user to select a camera to preview.The DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync allows you to query for many different kinds of devices. We use MediaDevice.GetVideoCaptureSelector to retrieve the identifier that specifies that we only want to retrieve video capture devices.

private async void PopulateCameraList()

    m_deviceList = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(MediaDevice.GetVideoCaptureSelector());

    if(m_deviceList.Count == 0)
        tbStatus.Text = "No video capture devices found.";

    foreach (var device in m_deviceList)
        bStartMediaCapture.IsEnabled = true;

Add a call to this helper method to the MainWindow class constructor so that the ComboBox gets populated when the window loads.

public MainWindow()


Initialize the MediaCapture object

Initialize the MediaCapture object by calling InitializeAsync, passing in a MediaCaptureInitializationSettings object containing the requested initialization parameters. There are a lot of optional initialization parameters that enable different scenarios. See the API reference page for the complete list. In this simple example we specify a few basic settings, including:

  • The VideoDeviceId property specifies the unique identifier of the camera that the MediaCapture will attach to. We get the device ID from the DeviceInformationCollection, using the selected index of the ComboBox.
  • The SharingMode property specifies whether the app is requesting shared, read-only access to the camera, which allows you to view and capture from the video stream, or exclusive control of the camera, which allows you to change the camera configuration. Multiple apps can read from a camera simultaneously, but only one app at a time can have exclusive control.
  • The StreamingCaptureMode property specifies whether we want to capture video, audio, or audio and video.
  • The MediaCaptureMemoryPreference allows us to request to specifically use CPU memory for video frames. The value Auto lets the system use GPU memory if it's available.

Before initializing the MediaCapture object we call AppCapability.CheckAccess method to determine if the user has denied our app access to the camera in Windows Settings.


Windows allows users to grant or deny access to the device's camera in the Windows Settings app, under Privacy & Security -> Camera. When initializing the capture device, apps should check whether they have access to the camera and handle the case where access is denied by the user. For more information, see Handle the Windows camera privacy setting.

The InitializeAsync call is made from inside a try block so that we can recover if initialization fails. Apps should handle initialization failure gracefully. In this simple example, we'll just display an error message on failure.

private async void bStartMediaCapture_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (m_mediaCapture != null)
        tbStatus.Text = "MediaCapture already initialized.";

    // Supported in Windows Build 18362 and later
    if(AppCapability.Create("Webcam").CheckAccess() != AppCapabilityAccessStatus.Allowed)
        tbStatus.Text = "Camera access denied. Launching settings.";

        bool result = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings:privacy-webcam"));

        if (AppCapability.Create("Webcam").CheckAccess() != AppCapabilityAccessStatus.Allowed)
            tbStatus.Text = "Camera access denied in privacy settings.";

        m_mediaCapture = new MediaCapture();
        var mediaCaptureInitializationSettings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings()
            VideoDeviceId = m_deviceList[cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex].Id,
            SharingMode = MediaCaptureSharingMode.ExclusiveControl,
            StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.Video,
            MemoryPreference = MediaCaptureMemoryPreference.Auto

        await m_mediaCapture.InitializeAsync(mediaCaptureInitializationSettings);

        tbStatus.Text = "MediaCapture initialized successfully.";

        bStartPreview.IsEnabled = true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        tbStatus.Text = "Initialize media capture failed: " + ex.Message;

Initialize the camera preview

When the user clicks the start preview button, we will attempt to create a MediaFrameSource for a video stream from the camera device with which the MediaCapture object was initialized. The available frame sources are exposed by the MediaCapture.FrameSources property.

To find a frame source that is color video data, as opposed to a depth camera for example, we look for a frame source that has a SourceKind of Color. Some camera drivers provide a dedicated preview stream that is separate from the record stream. To get the preview video stream, we try to select a frame source that has a MediaStreamType of VideoPreview. If no preview streams are found, we can get the record video stream by selecting a MediaStreamType of VideoRecord. If neither of these frame sources are available, then this capture device can't be used for video preview.

Once we have selected a frame source, we create a new MediaPlayer object that will be rendered by the MediaPlayerElement in our UI. We set the Source property of the MediaPlayer to a new MediaSource object we create from our selected MediaFrameSource.

Call Play on the MediaPlayer object to begin rendering the video stream.

private void bStartPreview_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    m_frameSource = null;

    // Find preview source.
    // The preferred preview stream from a camera is defined by MediaStreamType.VideoPreview on the RGB camera (SourceKind == color).
    var previewSource = m_mediaCapture.FrameSources.FirstOrDefault(source => source.Value.Info.MediaStreamType == MediaStreamType.VideoPreview
                                                                                && source.Value.Info.SourceKind == MediaFrameSourceKind.Color).Value;

    if (previewSource != null)
        m_frameSource = previewSource;
        var recordSource = m_mediaCapture.FrameSources.FirstOrDefault(source => source.Value.Info.MediaStreamType == MediaStreamType.VideoRecord
                                                                                   && source.Value.Info.SourceKind == MediaFrameSourceKind.Color).Value;
        if (recordSource != null)
            m_frameSource = recordSource;

    if (m_frameSource == null)
        tbStatus.Text = "No video preview or record stream found.";

    // Create MediaPlayer with the preview source
    m_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
    m_mediaPlayer.RealTimePlayback = true;
    m_mediaPlayer.AutoPlay = false;
    m_mediaPlayer.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromMediaFrameSource(m_frameSource);
    m_mediaPlayer.MediaFailed += MediaPlayer_MediaFailed; ;

    // Set the mediaPlayer on the MediaPlayerElement

    // Start preview

    tbStatus.Text = "Start preview succeeded!";
    m_isPreviewing = true;
    bStartPreview.IsEnabled = false;
    bStopPreview.IsEnabled = true;

Implement a handler for the MediaFailed event so that you can handle errors rendering the preview.

private void MediaPlayer_MediaFailed(MediaPlayer sender, MediaPlayerFailedEventArgs args)
    tbStatus.Text = "MediaPlayer error: " + args.ErrorMessage;

Stop the camera preview

To stop the camera preview, call Pause on the MediaPlayer object.

private void bStopPreview_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Stop preview
    m_isPreviewing = false;
    bStartPreview.IsEnabled = true;
    bStopPreview.IsEnabled = false;

Reset the app

To make it easier to test out the sample app, add a method to reset the state of the app. Camera apps should always dispose of the camera and associated resources when the camera is no longer needed.

private void bReset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (m_mediaCapture != null)
        m_mediaCapture = null;

    if(m_mediaPlayer != null)
        m_mediaPlayer = null;
    m_frameSource = null;

    bStartMediaCapture.IsEnabled = false;
    bStartPreview.IsEnabled = false;
    bStopPreview.IsEnabled = false;

