Condividi tramite

Esempio di funzioni driver API DISM

L'API Gestione e manutenzione immagini distribuzione consente di creare soluzioni personalizzate nella piattaforma DISM. È possibile usare l'API DISM per installare, disinstallare, configurare e aggiornare funzionalità, pacchetti e driver di Windows in un'immagine di Windows.

Esempio di uso di funzioni driver

In questo esempio viene illustrato come montare, eseguire il commit e smontare un'immagine WIM, usare il callback dello stato, ottenere ed enumerare i driver e aprire e chiudere una sessione.

#include "windows.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DismApi.h"

void MountProgressCallback(
    __in UINT uiCurrent,
    __in UINT uiTotal,
    __in PVOID pUserData


    if (uiCurrent == uiTotal)
        wprintf(L"\nMounting Complete\n");

int _cdecl wmain()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    HRESULT hrLocal = S_OK;
    DismSession session = DISM_SESSION_DEFAULT;
    BOOL bMounted = FALSE;
    UINT uiCount = 0;
    DismDriverPackage *driverPackage = NULL;
    DismDriverPackage *driverPackage2 = NULL;
    DismDriver *driversInDriverPackage = NULL;

    // Initialize the API
    hr = DismInitialize(DismLogErrorsWarningsInfo, L"C:\\MyLogFile.txt", NULL);
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismInitialize Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    wprintf(L"Mounting: ");

    // Mount a WIM image
    hr = DismMountImage(L"C:\\install.wim",
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"\nDismMountImage Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    bMounted = TRUE;

    // Open a session against the mounted image
    hr = DismOpenSession(L"C:\\MountPath",
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismOpenSession Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Add a driver into the mounted image
    hr = DismAddDriver(session,
                       FALSE );
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismAddDriver Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Get the list of drivers in the mounted image
    hr = DismGetDrivers(session,
                        &uiCount );
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismGetDrivers Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Print out the names of all of the drivers from the mounted image
    wprintf(L"\n\nThese are the third party drivers from the image:\n\n");
    for (UINT i = 0; i < uiCount; ++i)
        wprintf(L"Driver Package %u: %s\n", i, driverPackage[i].PublishedName);
        wprintf(L"Original file name: %s\n\n", driverPackage[i].OriginalFileName);

    // Get more extended information about the first driver from the mounted
    // image.  Note that the third party drivers are always named as oem%d.inf
    hr = DismGetDriverInfo(session,
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismGetDriverInfo Failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;

    // Print out the top level info for this driver
    wprintf(L"\n\nThis is more detailed information about the first driver package and the set of drivers contained inside\n\n");
    wprintf(L"Driver Package: %s\n", driverPackage->PublishedName);
    wprintf(L"Original file name: %s\n\n", driverPackage->OriginalFileName);

    // Print out some specific information for each driver in the driver package
    for (UINT i = 0; i < uiCount; ++i)
        wprintf(L"Driver %u: %s\n", i, driversInDriverPackage[i].ManufacturerName);
        wprintf(L"Hardware Description: %s\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].HardwareDescription);
        wprintf(L"Hardware Id: %s\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].HardwareId);
        wprintf(L"Architecture: %u\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].Architecture);
        wprintf(L"Service Name: %s\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].ServiceName);
        wprintf(L"Compatible Ids: %s\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].CompatibleIds);
        wprintf(L"Exclude Ids: %s\n\n", driversInDriverPackage[i].ExcludeIds);

    // Commit the changes that were made to the image
    hr = DismCommitImage(session,
    if( FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"DismCommitImage failed: %x\n", hr);
        goto Cleanup;


    // Delete the memory associated with the objects that were returned
    hrLocal = DismDelete(driverPackage);
    if( FAILED(hrLocal))
        wprintf(L"DismDelete Failed: %x\n", hrLocal);

    hrLocal = DismDelete(driverPackage2);
    if( FAILED(hrLocal))
        wprintf(L"DismDelete Failed: %x\n", hrLocal);

    hrLocal = DismDelete(driversInDriverPackage);
    if( FAILED(hrLocal))
        wprintf(L"DismDelete Failed: %x\n", hrLocal);

    // Close the DismSession to free up resources tied to this image servicing session
    hrLocal = DismCloseSession (session);
    if( FAILED(hrLocal))
        wprintf(L"DismCloseSession Failed: %x\n", hrLocal);

    // Unmount the image if is wa mounted
    if (bMounted)
        hrLocal = DismUnmountImage(L"C:\\MountPath",
        if( FAILED(hrLocal))
            wprintf(L"DismUnmountImage Failed: %x\n", hrLocal);

    // Shutdown the DISM API to free up remaining resources
    hrLocal = DismShutdown();
    if( FAILED(hrLocal))
        wprintf(L"DismShutdown Failed: %x\n", hr);

    wprintf(L"Return code is: %x\n", hr);
    return hr;

Esempi di API DISM

Informazioni di riferimento sulle API DISM

Uso dell'API DISM

Creazione di un'applicazione DISM

Risoluzione dei problemi relativi alle API DISM