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Mobile operator web portal


This topic describes the web portal that enables mobile operators to provide connectivity solutions directly to Windows users through a curated web experience hosted in the Mobile Plans app. Mobile operators must create their web experiences following these design principles to ensure users have a high quality experience while navigating their portal. The mobile operator web portal is used for all scenarios supported in the Mobile Plans solution and is hence one of the most important components in the program.

For more information about web portal flow and reference design, see Web portal flow and reference design.

Web Portal interface for eSIM-enabled devices

The Mobile Plans app uses the WebView control to host and present the mobile operator web portal experience. The portal is invoked by the app calling the mobile operator-hosted service endpoints directly, and returned content is rendered directly within the control

When starting the WebView, several parameters are passed to the portal as part of the invocation. If there is at least one eSIM profile associated with the mobile operator, the iccids are passed to the portal as well.

The following example shows these launch parameters for eSIM-enabled devices, embedded in the call to MyWebView.Navigate().

MyWebView.ScriptNotify += MyWebView_ScriptNotify;

List<Uri> allowedUris = new List<Uri>();


MyWebView.AllowedScriptNotifyUris = allowedUris;


In order to provide backwards compatibility with app updates, the portal must disregard any additional parameters that might also be passed in the request. This ensures flexibility and ability to introduce new features in the app without disrupting the mobile operator's integration.

The following table describes the launch parameters available for eSIM.

Parameter name Description Example
eid The eSIM Identifier. This is sent only if an eSIM is present. eid= 89033024010400000100000000009136
iccids Optional parameter. Specifies the list of ICCIDs from the available profile on an eSIM only. If there are no ICCIDs matching the MO available on the eSIM, this parameter is not sent. If an ICCID has trailing 'F', it is removed. iccids=8988247000100003319, 988247000100003555
imei The device's IMEI number. imei=001201234567890
location The two-letter ISO code of the user’s current physical location with country-level granularity. location=us
transactionId The Transaction ID used for debugging the session. Providers should log this and send it in the notification payload. Maximum size is 64 characters. transactionId=waoigFfX00yGH3Vb.1
market The two-letter ISO code of the region settings in the PC. market=us

The user’s language preference is sent using the Accept-Language header, described in the following table. Additionally, if there were any errors that occurred during a profile download, they are passed as headers in the next request.

Header name Description Example
Accept-Language The user’s current language settings. The MO portal should render the contents in the specified language if possible. For more information, see RFC 7231, section 5.3.5: Accept-Language. Accept-Language: en-us
X-MP-LPAError-Codes This field provides the error code that has been captured in the LPA. If there are multiple errors, the error codes are passed in a comma-separated list.

For a list of possible error codes, see the ESimOperationStatus enum.

X-MP-LPAError-Codes: ServerFailure,ServerNotReachable
X-MP-LPAError-TimeStamps This field provides the timestamp of when the error occurred. The format of the timestamp is Date Time UTC offset. If there are multiple errors, the timestamps are passed as a comma-separated list. X-MP-LPAError-TimeStamps: 5/18/2018 11:17:23 PM,5/18/2018 11:27:33 PM
X-MP-LPAError-ICCIDs This field provides the ICCID of the eSIM profile that the user attempted to download and install. This ICCID was passed back to the Mobile Plans app when control handoff occurred. Only one ICCID is passed. X-MP-LPAError-ICCIDs: 8988247000101997790

Web Portal interface for physical SIMs

The interface for invoking the mobile operator portal using legacy physical UICC is the same as for eSIM. However, the parameters passed to the portal are different.


The following table describes the launch parameters available for a physical SIM.

Parameter name Description Example
iccid Required parameter for a physical SIM. Specifies the ICCID on the physical sim. If an ICCID has trailing 'F', it is removed. iccid=8988247000100003319
imei The device's IMEI number. imei=001201234567890
location The two-letter ISO code of the user’s current physical location with country-level granularity. location=us
transactionId The Transaction ID used for debugging the session. Providers should log this and send it in the notification payload. Maximum size is 64 characters. transactionId=waoigFfX00yGH3Vb.1
market The two-letter ISO code of the region settings in the PC. market=us

The user’s language preference is sent using the Accept-Language header, described in the following table.

Header name Description Example
Accept-Language The user’s current language settings. The MO portal should render the contents in the specified language if possible. For more information, see RFC 7231, section 5.3.5: Accept-Language. Accept-Language: en-us

Web portal design policies

To ensure the best user experience on Windows, mobile operators are encouraged to follow the policies and guidelines in this section when developing their web portal.

Business functions

Policy Required or Recommended
The web portal experience must meet all applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the countries offered. Any content displayed in the web portal must comply with all applicable laws. Required
Products offered through the web portal experience must be an offer for network connectivity. Required
Network connectivity products offered through the web portal experience must include clear descriptions of the offering and terms. Any specific terms of service must be available for users to review from within the web portal experience. Required
Customer support contact information must be accessible to users from within the web portal experience. Required
The mobile operator's privacy policy must be available for users to review from within the web portal experience. Required
The account management experience provided by the mobile operator must enable users to take actions on their current data plans, such as canceling a subscription. Required
Users must receive an order confirmation after successfully completing a plan purchase or activation from within the web portal experience. Recommended


Policy Required or Recommended
The web portal experience must not deliver or install any 3rd party-owned or branded apps or modules. Required
Before users exit the mobile operator’s web portal experience, users must be securely logged out from the web portal. Required
The portal URI and all requests or notifications sent to and from the web portal must use the secure HTTPS protocol. Required
All web portal resources and references must use the secure HTTPS protocol. Required


Policy Required or Recommended
The web portal must not display, or make available for download, any advertisements, sponsored content, videos, sound files, animations, or otherwise large media files or images. Required


Policy Required or Recommended
The required minimum functionality for the web portal experience is to enable a user to purchase a data plan using an account registered with the mobile operator. Required
The web portal must start up promptly and remain responsive to user input until the user exits the web portal experience. Required
Once invoked, the web portal must have and retain user focus until either:
  • The activation flow has completed and the focus has been returned by the web portal back to the Mobile Plans app,


  • The user has cancelled the flow and returned to the Mobile Plans app.
The web portal must not display any pop-up windows, open any additional windows, or redirect the user to any other websites or apps, except as required to complete the activation flow. Required
The web portal must handle all legitimate errors and exceptions, such as rejection of payment method, backend failure, etc. After the error or exception is handled, the web portal must remain responsive for users to exit and return to the Mobile Plans app. Required
If users run into an error that can be fixed with user actions, it is recommended to display mobile operator customer support information with the error message. Recommended


Policy Required or Recommended
The default frame size for the web portal is 800x600. Mobile operators should adopt responsive web design so that content on their web portal can be auto-adjusted to fit into the web control frame when users resize the Mobile Plans app for larger and smaller screens. Required
Load times and data consumption for loading the web portal experience should be optimized. Required
The web portal experience should be simple and easy navigate with necessary on-screen guidelines. Required
User interface elements on the web portal should provide a cohesive experience integrated with the Mobile Plans app, not confusing users or reminding the users that this is an embedded web control. For example, there should be no close/max/min button within the web portal. Required
Layout of pages within the web portal should be clean and easy to navigate. Users can navigate backward and forward through pages in the web portal with UI elements within the portal experience. For more information, see Web portal flow and reference design. Required
The web portal must be functional within the WebView Control frame and, once invoked, it must not interfere with users’ interaction with the Mobile Plans app at any time. Required
The web portal must not be cluttered with too many images, banners, lengthy text, external links, etc. Required
An on-screen cancel button within the web experience should be available for users to exit the flow when applicable. Recommended
Mobile operators can choose the color scheme and fonts that best represent their brand. Care should be taken to ensure all visual elements work well together and reinforce the brand. Recommended


Policy Required or Recommended
The web portal should be able to receive and understand users’ locale setting passed by the Mobile Plans app to display content in the user's preferred language. Required
Mobile operators may localize their web portal in the languages they wish to support. Recommended
The experience provided by the web portal should be reasonably similar in all languages that it supports, although data plan availability may vary from region to region. Recommended


Policy Required or Recommended
The web portal should provide accessibility to disabled users and adhere to the accessibility guidelines applicable in the jurisdictions where the mobile operator provides service. Recommended