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LowLagPhotoCapture.FinishAsync Metodo


Rilascia in modo asincrono l'oggetto LowLagPhotoCapture e le risorse usate dall'operazione di acquisizione delle foto.

 virtual IAsyncAction ^ FinishAsync() = FinishAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncAction FinishAsync();
public IAsyncAction FinishAsync();
function finishAsync()
Public Function FinishAsync () As IAsyncAction


Oggetto utilizzato per controllare l'operazione asincrona.



Ecco un esempio che illustra come configurare e acquisire foto a basso ritardo. Visualizza la foto e l'anteprima acquisiti negli oggetti Image . XAML crea una semplice interfaccia utente con due oggetti Image e alcuni oggetti Button per interagire con l'elemento MediaCapture . Nel codice è disponibile un metodo per inizializzare l'oggetto MediaCapture , un metodo per inizializzare l'oggetto LowLagPhotoCapture , un metodo per scattare la foto e visualizzarlo e un metodo per arrestare LowLagPhotoCapture.

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Image x:Name="imageLowLagPhoto" Stretch="None" 
           Width="320" Height="240" />
    <Image x:Name="imageLowLagThumbnail" Stretch="None" 
           Width="320" Height="240" />

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Button Click="InitMediaCapture_Click" Content="Initialize Camera" />
    <Button Click="InitLowLagPhotoCapture_Click" Content="Initialize Low Lag Photo Capture"/>
    <Button Click="CaptureLagPhotoCapture_Click" Content="Capture Low Lag Photo"/>
    <Button Click="CloseLagPhotoCapture_Click" Content="Finish low Lag Capture"/>
LowLagPhotoCapture lowLagCaptureMgr = null;
MediaCapture mediaCaptureManager;

async private void InitMediaCapture_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    mediaCaptureManager = new MediaCapture();
    await mediaCaptureManager.InitializeAsync();

async private void InitLowLagPhotoCapture_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Enable thumbnail images
    mediaCaptureManager.VideoDeviceController.LowLagPhoto.ThumbnailEnabled = true;
    mediaCaptureManager.VideoDeviceController.LowLagPhoto.ThumbnailFormat = MediaThumbnailFormat.Bmp;
    mediaCaptureManager.VideoDeviceController.LowLagPhoto.DesiredThumbnailSize = 25;

    // Image properties
    ImageEncodingProperties imgFormat = ImageEncodingProperties.CreateJpeg();

    // Create LowLagPhotoCapture object
    lowLagCaptureMgr = await mediaCaptureManager.PrepareLowLagPhotoCaptureAsync(imgFormat);

async private void CaptureLagPhotoCapture_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Take photo
    CapturedPhoto photo = await lowLagCaptureMgr.CaptureAsync();

    // Get photo as a BitmapImage
    BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
    await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(photo.Frame);

    // Get thumbnail as a BitmapImage
    BitmapImage bitmapThumbnail = new BitmapImage();    
    await bitmapThumbnail.SetSourceAsync(photo.Thumbnail);

    // imageLowLagPhoto is a <Image> object defined in XAML
    imageLowLagPhoto.Source = bitmap;

    // imageLowLagThumbnail is a <Image> object defined in XAML
    imageLowLagThumbnail.Source = bitmapThumbnail;

async private void CloseLagPhotoCapture_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Release the LowLagPhotoCapture object and resources
    await lowLagCaptureMgr.FinishAsync();

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